Rescue of the cave of Thailand: the boys, the coach unloaded nearly a month after the first disappearance


Boys must make their first public appearance since the ordeal at a specially organized press conference, before returning to their families on Wednesday night.

The 12 players and their coach were closely watched in Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital, near the border with Myanmar, since they were rescued from the cave on July 10.

The dramatic mission caught the attention of the world, with heads of state, celebrities and even football stars. Wishes and messages of hope to the boys and the team of divers and rescue experts

The boys disappeared on June 23 after entering the sprawling network of Tham Luang by small entrance that was soon flooded by seasonal monsoon rains.

Friends said that they knew the dangers and that caves were prohibited at this time of the year.

They were found nearly two weeks after disappearing, having survived by drinking water dripping from the roof of the caves that is naturally filtered.

But a happy ending was far from assured. The rising waters and the collapse of oxygen levels convinced the rescuers that something had to be done sooner than planned, despite expert divers saying the cave posed some of the most difficult conditions. difficult times they have ever faced. trapped in a cave in northern Thailand in front of a hospital in Chiang Rai after being released. "Data-src-mini =" // "data-src-xsmall =" // cdn 180718180740-thailand-boys-leave-hospital-medium-plus-169.jpg "data-src-small =" assets / 180718180740-thailand-boys-leave-hospital-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // -169.jpg "data-src-large =" // "data-src-full16x9 =" / / "data-src-mini1x1 =" // 180718180740-thailand-boys-leave-hospital-small-11.jpg "data-demand-load =" not-loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, wide: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

These dangers became all the more real after Saman Kunan, a former Thai Marine SEAL member who volunteered to help Rescue effort, ran out of air under the water and died. It was a question of delivering oxygen to the boys

The authorities planned meticulously the rescue, separating the group in three distinct stages, calming each boy and pairing them with two experienced divers each.

The boys just wanted to visit the cave for an hour.

Tanawat Viboonrungruang, the youngest boy's father, Chanin, 11, told CNN on Friday that his son had just wanted to "visit the cave for an hour."

But after the flood, the boys and their trainer ran deep into the cave, where they were trapped.

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Viboonrungruang stated that his son, surnamed Titun, had told him that their trainer, Ekkapol Ake Chantawong, had told the boys to flee the water and go

Inside the icy cave, the coach and another boy hugged each other. Titun to keep him warm, his father says.

After more than a week trapped in the cold and dark, they finally saw a flash light. The boys came down from a small hill inside the cave and shouted for help.

Doctors advised parents not to talk to the press for at least a month because they are recovering from the traumatic experience. 19659022] [ad_2]
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