Researchers analyze the Fermi paradox, claim that humans could be the only advanced civilization in the universe


An international team of researchers recently published a study and suggested a reason why the Earth is the only planet with life in the universe.

During the research, they analyzed the Fermi paradox, which showed that there are millions of planets and stars in the universe but, until now, it is n & # 39; There is no concrete evidence about extraterrestrial life.

The new study report titled "Dissolving the Fermi Paradox" has revealed that there is a thirty percent chance that humans and other creatures of the blue planet will be alone in the galaxy, "Milky Way ". The researchers also suggested that possible extraterrestrial life in the universe might be less advanced than on earth or that they just do not exist.

& # 39; & # 39; We can answer the Fermi paradox by saying that intelligence is very rare, but then it must be extremely rare. Another possibility is that intelligence does not last very long, but all that is needed is for a civilization to survive in order for it to become visible, "said Dr. Anders Sandberg of the University of Toronto. 39, Oxford at

During the course of the research, the team of scientists analyzed the Drake equation that was proposed by astronomer Frank Drake in the 1960s. The Drake equation suggested that the vast Extent of the universe could indicate that there are many civilizations in the deep space.

When Anders Sandberg and his teammates broke the equation to incorporate new elements, including the chemical origins of life, they found that Drake's equation is full of uncertainties and is open to partiality.

"Many parameters are very uncertain given current knowledge. While we have learned a lot about astrophysics since Drake and Sagan in the 1960s, we are still very uncertain about the probability of life and intelligence," he said. added Sandberg.

Considering the nature of the mathematical probability and the level of uncertainty associated with the search, Sandberg made it clear that "we are very likely alone, but we also conclude that we should not be too surprised if we find the right". intelligence!

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