Researchers: Disney's Big Thunder Mountain Can Dislodge Kidney Stones – History


Each year, a newspaper called Annals of Improbable Research awards prizes to scientists whose scientific achievements make people laugh – and then think.

The Nobel IG Awards are just for fun, but the scientific discoveries are real.

Judges awarded this year's Ig Nobel Prize for Medicine to researchers who have studied how roller coasters can help eliminate kidney stones.

Professor David Wartinger and Marc Mitchell, this year's laureate, examined the effects that roller coasters can have on kidney stones.

They had the idea after someone came back from vacation saying their kidney stones had been dislodged after going on a roller coaster.

So they took a silicone model of the human kidney system filled with urine and kidney stones on the Walt Disney World Big Thunder Mountain railroad in Orlando Florida.

They say the way fact help facilitate the passage of stones through the urinary tract of silicon.

The team considered using animals but found it inappropriate for research.

Their work was published last year in the "Journal of the American Osteopathic Association".

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