Researchers identify the world's first known omnivorous shark species


Photographed is a bonnethead shark at the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. Bonnethead sharks are close relatives of hammerheads, but are the second-smallest in the family. ( Kelly McCarthy | Wikimedia Commons )

Are all sharks carnivorous? A team of researchers has discovered that bonnethead sharks also incorporate seagrass into their diet, suggesting that they could be the first known omnivorous sharks in the world.

Diet of Seagrass In Shark

Since 2007, it has been observed that head sharks have consumed seagrass since ecologist Dana Bethea recorded the inclination of creatures to the diet. However, for years it was not clear whether it was a deliberate diet or simply an accidental diet in search of the typical food choice of bonnetheads: crustaceans, clams, small fish and octopus.

To determine whether herbarium consumption is deliberate or simply accidental, researchers from a new study published in Acts of the Royal Society B gathered five head sharks in a laboratory and fed them with a special diet consisting of 10% squid and 90% seagrass with a unique carbon isotopic signature.

The stomachs of the bonnetheads are actually identical to the stomachs of the stomachs of other shark species in that they are specialized in meat-based diets.

Accidental or deliberate?

In the three weeks following specialized feeding, all five head sharks gained weight and the tests revealed the presence of the unique isotope in the blood and liver of sharks. This suggests that sharks have actually digested seagrass and absorbed its nutrients.

In addition, the researchers found that sharks had digestive enzymes that break down plant-based foods. Carnivores such as sharks usually have low levels of enzymes that treat fiber and carbohydrates, but headboards had significant levels of enzymes.

Evidence suggests that head-to-head sharks deliberately consume sea grass for its nutritional value and not just accidentally in their quest for meat-rich foods. In fact, researchers suggest that seagrasses account for up to 60% of the diet of bald sharks. This makes sharks head to head the first shark species that can be considered omnivorous.

As such, researchers believe that it is now important to examine the role of head sharks in seagrass meadows around the world. Such marine ecosystems harbor many species and help filter water and absorb excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Bonnethead Sharks

It is quite obvious when looking at the bonnethead shark that he is a relative of the hammerhead shark. In the hammerhead family, however, bat heads are considered the smallest, reaching a maximum length of 59 inches.

These creatures are generally found in tropical and subtropical waters and often thrive in shallow bays with muddy or sandy bottoms and coral reefs. Although they are often at the top of local food chains, some larger sharks such as tiger sharks and lemon sharks feed on head sharks.

Bonnethead sharks are not considered an endangered species.

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