Researchers turn plastic bottle waste into ultralight supermaterial – ScienceDaily


Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have made a significant contribution to solving the global issue of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are commonly made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is the most recycled plastic in the world. The PET aerogels developed by the NUS-led research team using a plastic bottle – a world's first – are soft, flexible, durable, extremely light and easy to handle. They also demonstrate superior thermal insulation and strong absorption capacity. These properties make them attractive for a wide range of applications, such as for heat and sound insulation in buildings, oil spill cleaning, and also a lightweight lining for firefighter coats and carbon dioxide absorption. escape.

This pioneering work was carried out by Associate Professor Hai Minh Duong and Professor Nhan Phan-Thien from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NUS Faculty of Engineering. The technology to produce PET aerogels was developed in collaboration with Dr. Xiwen Zhang from the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A * STAR).

Recycling plastic bottle waste

Plastic waste is toxic and non-biodegradable. Such waste often ends up in oceans and landfills, affecting marine life and causing problems as well as groundwater contamination and land scarcity. Globally, the annual consumption of plastic bottles has been rising steadily, and it is expected to exceed half a trillion tons per year by 2021.

"Plastic bottle waste is one of the most common types of plastic waste and has a negative impact on the environment. The manufacturing technology is also easily scalable for mass production, "said Assoc Prof Duong.

Versatile PET aerogels

The research team took two years (from August 2016 to August 2018) to develop the technology to fabricate PET aerogels. This work was published in the scientific journal Colloids and Surfaces A in August 2018.

"Our PET aerogels are very versatile." For instance, when incorporated with various methyl groups, the PET aerogels can absorb large amounts of oil very quickly. "Prof Nhan said," they are more efficient than sorbents, and they are highly suitable for oil spill cleaning, "added Prof. Nhan.

Lighter and safer firefighter coats

PET aerogels for fire safety applications.

Existing firefighter coats are bulky and they are often used with other breathing and safety equipment. This could take a toll on firefighters, especially during extended operations.

When coated with fire retardant chemicals, the novel lightweight PET aerogel It can be used in conjunction with the temperature of up to 620 degrees Celsius, but weighs only about 10 percent of the weight of the lining. The soft and flexible nature of the PET aerogel also provides greater comfort.

Prof Nhan explained, "By adopting PET aerogels that are coated with fire retardants as a lining material, firefighter coats can be made much lighter, safer and cheaper.It is also possible to produce low-cost heat-resistant jackets for personal use."

2-in-1 mask that absorbs harmful carbon dioxide and dust particles

When coated with an amine group, the PET aerogel can quickly absorb carbon dioxide from the environment. Its absorption capacity is comparable to those used in gas masks, which are costly and bulky. To illustrate this application, the team has a thin layer of airborne particulate matter.

Prof. Nhan said, "In highly urbanized countries like Singapore, the carbon dioxide absorption masks and heat-resistant jackets made using PET aerogels can be placed alongside fire extinguishers in high-rise buildings to provide added protection to civilians when they escape from a fire. "

"Masks lined with amine-reinforced PET aerogels can also benefit people living in China, where such pollution can be easily produced," added Prof Duong. .

NUS researchers are also looking at a simple surface modification of the aerogels for absorption of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, which is the deadliest component of smoke.

In their earlier work, the research team had successfully converted paper and fashion waste into cellulose and cotton aerogels respectively. Coupled with this latest innovation involving the recycling of plastics, the NUS team has been awarded first place in the Sustainable Technologies category of the 2018 Create the Future Design Contest by Tech Briefs.

Next steps

The research team has filed a report for its novel PET aerogel technology, and will continue to enhance the performance of PET aerogels and explore new applications. The NUS researchers are also keen to work with companies to bring technology to market.

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