Resignation of the Prime Minister of Haiti – WSJ


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti-Haitian Prime Minister

Jack Guy Lafontant

He resigned on Saturday while he was asking that he resign from his management of a failed plan to increase the price of fuel that sparked a wave of deadly demonstrations.

Lafontant told the House of Representatives of Haiti that he sent the president

Jovenel Moise

his letter of resignation. Mr. Moise confirmed via Twitter that he had accepted the resignation of Mr. Lafontant with that of other members of the cabinet

The sudden resignation of the Prime Minister preceded the vote of a motion of Mr. Lafontant's censorship, a first step towards the Mr. Moise appoints a new prime minister to form a cabinet to manage the crisis. The prime minister is the second highest official in Haiti after the president.

Lafontant was to answer questions about the July 6-8 riots that followed the government's attempt to raise fuel prices by 51% in the context of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund. . At least seven people were killed and dozens of businesses were looted during the unrest.

Instead, Mr. Lafontant took the opportunity to announce his resignation while in various parts of the small Haitian protests demanded the resignation of the head of state.

At the beginning of the session, Gary Bodaeu, chamber president, wrote on his Twitter account that the legislature "is at a crossroads in history; he must assume his responsibilities. He had previously stated that the price increases were "inappropriate" and "inoperative".

Lafontant suspended fuel price increases after protests broke out last week, but unrest continued and calls for the Prime Minister's resignation increased, including from the opposition and certain commercial groups.

Lafontant, a 57-year-old doctor who took office in March 2017, said that price increases of 38% to 51% for gasoline, diesel and kerosene were necessary for Haiti to balance its budget.

Fuel subsidies in February as part of a program of assistance with the IMF. The agreement also included increased spending on social services and infrastructure and improved tax collection with the goal of modernizing the economy of one of the poorest countries in the world. Western Hemisphere.

Mr. Lafontant's replacement will be appointed by Mr. Moise and confirmed by the Senate.

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