As President Donald Trump prepares for a visit to NATO and a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the US ambassador to the Baltic nation of Estonia says that & # 39; 39, he resigned because of the frustrations caused by Trump's treatment of Washington's European allies

James D. Melville, a career diplomat for 33 years, wrote: "For the President to say the following. EU (European Union) was "set up to take advantage of the US, to attack our piggy bank," or that "NATO is"

Excerpts of Melville's statements were reported by The Associated Press and Foreign Policy.

The DNA of the Foreign Service Officer is We learned from the outset that if ever there came a time when we could no longer do it, especially if we are in leadership position, the honorable course is to resign, "he writes, according to foreign policy. "Having served under six presidents and 11 state secretaries, I've never really thought that it would reach me."

Melville served as US Ambassador to the Baltic nation and NATO member of Estonia since 2015.

The US Embassy in Tallinn did not immediately commented, reports the AP.

Trump plans to attend a NATO summit in Brussels in July followed by a summit with Putin in Helsinki

In January, the US ambassador to Panama John Feeley A career diplomat and former Marine Corps helicopter pilot resigned from his post saying he no longer felt able to serve the president

"As an officer Foreign, I have signed an oath to serve the president and his administration loyally, apolitically, even if I do not agree with certain policies, "said Feeley, according to an excerpt of a resignation letter read to Reuters

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