Resigned or determined? After Kavanaugh, women are driven in opposite directions


This explains the persistence of an intensity that has taken many women by surprise.

"I did not know that these hearings would affect me so deeply," wrote Keirsten Hamilton, a lawyer who said she was raised in a fairly conservative Christian family in the small town of Texas. "In many ways, it's obvious that a significant change is out of reach. But I have never felt so enraged in my life. I refuse to let men continue to tell this story that I know to be wrong. "

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Sarah Orlando, of Houston, spoke of an apocalyptic future: "It's the worst thing that ever happened to the women in my life, I'm afraid the worst is yet to come. I am not only worried about women. I am concerned for all marginalized communities in America. When my son asked if everything would become O.K., I answered with my filter temporarily disabled: "Just be happy you're not a woman, darling."

Some women blamed themselves as well as the men in power, overthrowing their anger for not doing enough enough. "Honestly, I realize how inactive I am," wrote Seattle's Raphaela Weissman, who said she was talkative on social media but that she had not acted directly. "I did not call any senator before this vote, so, in a way, it is also my fault.

Allison Butz from Texas offered a striking insight into modern juggling that many women must navigate. She wrote that she had always voted, protested, written letters and volunteered for campaigns to the best of her abilities. "But, God, I'm the underpaid director of an underfunded community pantry in a service area that has the highest rates of food insecurity in the nation. My husband and I own a printing house. I have two little kids who go to school, football, other activities … and birthday parties, all the time … and that does not even have to do with how I manage to run plates in all other aspects of my life.

"I can not add another commitment beyond what I already do, and I feel like I'm letting the whole society down," she continued. "Moral of the story? At this moment is bad."

Yet for many of those who responded, the prospect of seeing more women in a position remains attractive and hopeful.

Magaly Marques, who describes herself as a manager, a mother and an immigrant, wrote: "Expecting all women to vote the same way is naïve. But when the number of women in the Senate and their committees will be at least equal, the conversations will be different, the questions asked will be different, the ability to hear and not to divert will be present, the tactics of intimidation will be in failure.

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