"Resilience of a champion" | Abercrombie Christion shows signs of progress, say doctors and family


ATLANTA – It's been 20 days since Christion Abercrombie was hit on the football field during a match at Tennessee State University, and his family said it's their trust in God that would give them the strength to get it back.

"This is not the trip we have planned. We are still fighting and are grateful for the twentieth day, "said Staci Abercrombie, mother of Christion.

Dr. Anna Elmers, a staff physician at the Shepard Center in Atlanta, said that the nurses who cared for the 20-year-old gave each other a big butt in her hospital room because they were so happy with positive reactions they get. from him.

"From time to time, he'll give us a thumbs up," said Elmer. "His answers are inconsistent but it's very normal at this point."

The second of Smyrna was injured in the head during a match against Vanderbilt on 29 September. He had an emergency surgery at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and was transferred this week to the Shepard Center, which specializes in the treatment of spinal cord injuries and brain injuries.

RELATED | A TSU injured football player from the Atlanta Metropolitan Area transferred to the Shepherd Center

Elmer said Christion would likely suffer from a permanent deficit or injury, but it's too soon to find out.

"We had to hold back his arms, which sounds awful but is actually a good sign," said Elmer. "It means he's trying to get things out and he's moving everything. It is an excellent predictor. "

Her mother said she was in the stands that day and did not see what happened.

"We did not know that there had been injuries, we did not know that he had collapsed and that he had gone to the hospital – we were in the bleachers, "said Staci Abercrombie. "It's the peaceful part – I have not seen anything that concerns me. It was God's plan. One of my biggest fears is that I could not be here when he needed me, but he was very lonely. "

Tennessee State University celebrates the reunion this weekend and thanked the school for its support.

"We want them to know that we are with them," she said. "We are with them because they are with us every day in the hospital, and we are now with them as they prepare for the homecoming."

She said that Christion was born premature and is a "humble young man because he's always had challenges."

ATTRAPE | Tennessee State football player, originally from Atlanta in critical condition after a head injury

"We see his personality coming out," said Staci Abercrombie. "Even if there are inconsistencies in his orders, we still see him. We always see this fighter. "

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Christion Abercrombie and his mother, Staci Abercrombie.Credit: Shepard Center

Abercrombie graduated from Westlake High School as a notable football player. His friends and family organized a prayer vigil for him last week.

Staci Abercrombie thanked the community of South Fulton for their support.

"It's the strength we get from the community that keeps us going," she said. "His dream was to go to the NFL, and maybe God's plan is bigger than that, we have to accept that and continue to pray and get through." a champion. "

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