Reunification of toddlers migrants, parents should be completed on Thursday


"We expect that as early as the morning of July 12, we will have reunified all children under the age of 5 who are eligible under the reunification order with parents in the United States," he said. an official. ] The meetings – ordered nationally last month by a federal judge in San Diego – came in piecemeal slices this week, as the government struggles to identify eligible children to return to their parents.

Dana Sabraw The government initially identified 102 children who fell into this category, but the number has slightly decreased in recent days, as the Sabraw order basically functioned as a judge-mandated audit of the confusion of systems used by different federal agencies.

The Department of Justice told Sabraw that officials had found that some parents were unfit for reunification because they had a criminal background, some had already been deported and others were not. had not been located yet. According to a recent court filing, the administration uncovered a case where "the location of the parents has been unknown for more than a year".

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The judge acknowledged that as a result of a more in-depth investigation Some parents may not fall into the category of persons eligible for child reunification, but he reiterated to the Department of Justice. to hear on Tuesday that the schedules that he had ordered to reunite families were "firm deadlines, not ambitious goals."

As a result, he told the Trump administration, he was expecting 63 children to be reunited with their parents by Tuesday's deadline. this includes four who were reunited in advance.

The administration said Tuesday that it had completed 38 of these meetings, including the previous four. 12 other parents may be eligible for meetings but have already been deported. They can be reunited with the children once they are located and contacted.

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