Reunion parade has new meaning for Gillum in Florida



TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Walking on a parade route is not a new concept for politicians, but there was special significance when Andrew Gillum participated in the Florida Homecoming celebration. Mr.

Gillum began his political career as a student at the historically black university, and he returned home Saturday as Florida's first black candidate for governorship. The Democrat was greeted as a hero as he walked in the reunion parade with his wife, R. Jai, and their children. The crowd roared as he jumped up on either side of the street as the campaign volunteers tossed sweets to the kids along the way. He hugged his followers, held children and posed for selfies – lots of selfies.

And the story that he could do if he won in November was not lost for the crowd.

"You will do it!" exclaimed Latreva Stallworth, 49, sitting with her baby girl on her lap, while Gillum was greeting her. "I pray, baby, I pray, Yes, Lord."

Gillum was 23 years old when he became the youngest person elected to the Tallahassee Municipal Commission while attending Florida A & M in 2003. He decided to run after organizing a protest against a local ordinance concerning the rooming house, stating that three unrelated students could not live in a building. He remembers that after he and other students presented their argument, a curator made a joke saying that the students were like guests. "We like you to come, but we can not wait to see you go," said Gillum, reminding the Commissioner, triggering the laughter of other officials.

"It kind of stung me, and I thought," You know what? I am a candidate for the municipal commission, "said Gillum, now 39 years old. I remember it as if it was yesterday. Our slogan was "A chance". "

Gillum, now Mayor of Tallahassee, shocked political observers when he won the primary on Aug. 28 as governor. He was overwhelmed by his opponents and was the least on television. He now faces former US representative Ron DeSantis for the seat of Republican Gov. Rick Scott leaving after two terms.

Since Gillum's main victory, his campaign has sparked a state-centered enthusiasm. But Saturday's event was even more special for Florida's students and alumni A & M Stallworth beamed as she spoke to Gillum and later stated that her appointment reminded her of that of the election of the first black president by Barack Obama.

"It just reminds what happened in history with President Obama," she said. "It's the same feeling, almost as if, here it is again: our people, but not just our people, but for everyone."

Gillum is aware of the story he can tell, but he sometimes hesitates to talk about it.

"We try to keep the perspective of what this moment is.I understand the importance of the historical part, but what I understand too, is what it means for all the problems we are talking about – Expansion of Medicaid, health care, payment to teachers what they are worth, et cetera, et cetera, all that matters, "he says as he parades

It's a parade he's observed as a student and as Tallahassee's politician, but this time the energy has been magnified now that he's on the run. not to become governor.

"I feel at home," he said. "I think they own this campaign and that's what I want them to know."

He has also learned lessons from past parades. Before starting to walk, he had tips for his team.

"You know the market with sweets," he says. "By the time you get to the center, if you go out, you'll be booed."

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