Director Rory Kennedy has a personal connection to the subject of her latest documentary. "Beyond: NASA's Road to Tomorrow" is NASA's 60th anniversary celebration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The agency was founded under the Eisenhower administration, but it is President John F. Kennedy, Ms. Kennedy's uncle (the filmmaker is the daughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy), who defined the mission of NASA for most of the generation by asking him to: set sail for an inhabited mission to the moon of the Earth.
The illustrations of the 50s pulp magazine covers presented here remind the viewer of the human hope of colonizing Venus or Mars on a day, planets that NASA's crafts and instruments have deemed "too hot, too much crappy, with a bad atmosphere, "says a scientist. The film also shows how the space agency looks after life on Earth, watching over the health of our coral reef ecosystems. This image is not spectacular, but it is an informative and comforting image that could make a beautiful double star with "First Man", the next fictional superstar on Apollo 11.
Unclassified. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.
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