Review of season 2 "Iron Fist"


The Iron Fist of Marvel Season 2 arrives on Netflix this Friday, but is it worth watching the first disappointing season?

The answer to this question really depends on who you ask. Almost all opinions agree that Iron fistThe second season is an improvement over the first, but wondering if the series is sufficiently improved to be considered good is another question.

"The answer is that there are still disadvantages to Iron fist Season 2, the start is definitely better than anything we saw in Season 1, "writes Kofi Outlaw in his review for "The main fan-focus will be of course to be the action, and the season 2 fight sequences – even in the first episodes – are much more frequent, with better combat choreography by stunt coordinator Clayton Barber, and a much larger combat training from actors and stuntmen. Fortunately, the action scenes are not limited to fancy fights: sequences of fighting involving Danny, Colleen, Misty, Davos, etc. are firmly anchored in the arc of the history of the war gang season 2, which is not Luke Cage season 2. The stakes of each fight make the sequences more thrilling, especially as the visual effects are much stronger, making the season 2 of Iron Fist a much better offer of Marvel Fantasy. Super hero action.

"Iron fist Season 2 will be at least enough to satisfy Marvel fans for a few months until Daredevil Season 3 arrives in late 2018. Danny Rand's second outing should also be an improvement to lead the season. 3 or better. perspective of a Heroes for Hire spin-off with Luke Cage and Misty Knight in official partnership with Danny and Colleen. Overall, this is not a bad way to launch the fall TV season.

But what do others think? Here's a summary of Iron Fist season 2 reviews from around the world.

Drag 1 of 7Playground

"Fortunately, Iron Fist Season 2 lasts only 10 episodes (episodes of 13 episodes of all these series were too long in each case) .In the first six chapters, a gang war is brewing in the corner of Danny Rand Even if you hate Iron Fist, it might be interesting to check out Season 2, just to see Danny get to the end – although no He sure will bounce back before the end of the season, of course, if it does not bother you with the slow burning of all of Marvel's Universal Parades.This lethargic pace is one of the worst things you can say about Iron Fist Season 2 – at least based on its first six episodes – and that alone should say a lot about the improvement it represents. "- Michael Rougeau

Full Review on Gamespot

Drag 2 of 7Polygon
Iron fist 001

"After watching the first six episodes, I have to admit that the second season of Iron Fist has made me want to have more, and although it is still slow, this season is moving a little faster than last season. . " trudgefest. And there are only 10 episodes this time, against 13 in the first season, which should help speed things up.

Will Danny wear his legendary yellow and green Iron Fist suit, becoming the martial arts superhero we all love and desperately want? I do not know. But I know that this second season of Iron Fist is generally better than its predecessors. With more interesting characters, more respect for the history of comics and more mastery of martial arts, I never thought to say that, but I want more Iron Fist. – Charlie Moss

Complete review on Polygon

Drag 3 of 7Den of Geek

"None of these series had a bad second season, and although it did not shake me like Luke Cage's effort, Iron Fist Season 2 certainly looks more like the series than I thought was the first time." Better writing, better choreography and greater concentration on the most important players make all the difference and help solve many of Marvel Netflix's usual problems. The usual whims this time around. But for me, I'm eager to see where the next seven episodes will take us, and I think that's the surest sign that the top six have done their job. "- Mike Cecchini

Complete review at Den of Geek

Drag 5 of 7Forbes

"It is simply impossible to accept his struggles as a human being, the fact that he chooses to live among the middle class does not change the fact that he is not one – a much more fascinating representation of hero.

Overall, there are some notable things to say about Iron Fist Season Two. It is much easier to watch. But coming back from what was really a bad first season was going to take a lot more than a few kung fu lessons. It would take a complete overhaul of the series and it is difficult to say if this will be possible. "- Merrill Barr

Complete Review at Forbes

Drag 7 of 7collider

"The bottom line is this: continued Luke CageIf you liked the first season of Iron fistSeason 2 improves it. If you do not like it, well, there is not much to recommend about a return. It's a show that seems to get better by not bothering you, but it's so sleepy that once you get away from it, you forget to come back. – Allison Keene

Full Review on Collider

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