Rian Johnson still defends Luke Skywalker in the last Jedi


It's been almost a year since Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out and Rian Johnson still critically responds to how the film treated Luke Skywalker. A recent conversation between the two sides of the Jed last A debate on Twitter marked the director at one point in the conversation, which probably explains why he decided to put his own way to respond to the idea that Johnson's script marked a serious change in Luke's character. Skywalker. Johnson said …

Hot grip: Luke is actually 100% compatible with his character (not as described in the marketing notes, but his real character, based on his words and actions) of occupational therapy. I'll be at the bar if you need me.

Rian Johnson clearly thinks that he has done nothing particularly radical with Luke Skywalker's character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Although Luke Skywalker can sometimes be described as a perfectly noble hero, Johnson sees Luke as much more nuanced than that and he wrote the character accordingly.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a division movie, to say the least. While many have liked the new entry in the Star wars saga and consider it one of the best in the franchise, others have a completely opposite opinion. Although critics have different reasons for this view, the frustration seems to be mainly focused on Luke Skywalker's character. Many seemed to think that Luke Skywalker's moment of weakness that had led him to almost kill his own nephew, and his subsequent self-exile, was distorted, but Johnson says that it's all the opposite that's true .

the Twitter conversation started to follow the news that J.J. Abrams was tasked with some kind of course correction regarding the Star wars franchise as a director of Episode IX. Of course, the original report that made this claim did not comment on the conspiracy or the characters of The last jedI being the reason for that and only mentioned the disappointing box office of Solo: A story of Star Wars as something that needed to be corrected.

In addition, it is highly unlikely that J.J. Abrams is even a little interested in trying to make his new film a kind of Star wars limit the damage. It has been reported that Abrams thought that the script of The last Jedi was so good that he did the force awakens director wishes that he was directing Episode VIII. After all, Abrams exiled Luke Skywalker on an island for a long time, not Rian Johnson.

Nothing here is really something we have never heard, and Rian Johnson certainly has heard it too. He had to defend every decision made in the film, from humor to Canto Bight's subplot to the use of Force projection as a Jedi power.

Rian Johnson is already explained and he will probably do it again. It is clear that at this stage, no explanation will suffice. Those who only want to see the nobility of Luke Skywalker as the hero of the original trilogy with which they grew up will accept nothing less now.

At the same time, nobody will convince Rian Johnson that he was wrong. He has already stated that the negative reaction has not changed his opinion.

There is nothing that I have read or seen that makes me think: "My God, I ruined everything, I would have done it differently if I could go back. I always sincerely believe in all the decisions I've made.

Of course, fans were not the only ones to ask serious questions about how Luke Skywalker was treated. Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Mark Hamill himself made very public comments saying that he also did not like Luke Skywalker 's idea of ​​"giving up". Fans who agree have often said these statements as proof that Johnson had made a mistake because the actor who had already played the character should surely know him better. However, Hamill finally came to Johnson's defense by saying that he found Luke playing in The last jed to be an "exciting experience".

And Luke Skywalker was far from the only thing people were opposed to. Many found that revealing that Rey's parents were not an important person was anti-climactic. Because Star Wars: The awakening of the force used Rey's parentage as a member of J.J. Many fans have assumed that the revelation would be something much more important.

The same was true of Chief Snoke. The character was killed by Kylo Ren, a moment that allowed Ben Solo to become the real antagonist to defeat, without revealing the details expected by many viewers, although, one could say, these details are not important for history at your fingertips.

What is clear is that Star wars means a lot to a lot of people. It's a 40-year franchise of which many are fans since the beginning of their lives. It's important to them, so when they see something that is perceived as wrong, they react strongly. Rian Johnson understands that too. Although he can not guess the decisions, the director said that he fully understood where the strongest feelings came from.

But that's because they care about these things and it hurts when we're expecting something specific and we do not get it from something that we like. It always hurts, so I do not take it personally if a fan reacts negatively and is unleashed against me on Twitter. This is fine. It's my job to be there for that. As you said, every fan has a list of things that he wants to see in a Star Wars movie and not a Star Wars movie. You will find very few fans whose lists line up.

This debate will certainly not end soon. Even though J.J. Abrams succeeds Star Wars Episode IX that the whole world embraces, which is unlikely, there will always be those who feel The last Jedi was wrong. Whatever you think of Luke Skywalker's character in Episode VIII it seems that one way or another, Mark Hamill will be back one last time, so maybe he'll be able to make everyone happy.

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