Richard Parsons Named Acting President of CBS


CBS Corporation on Tuesday named Richard Parsons, a longtime business and media executive, acting chairman of the board.

Mr. Parsons, the former President of Time Warner and Citigroup, replaces Leslie Moonves, who was the company's long-time CEO and chairman of the board. Earlier this month, CBS negotiated Mr. Moonves' departure after new allegations of sexual harassment were brought against him. As part of the same agreement, the board of directors also installed six new directors, which increased to 13.

Parsons was appointed to become a director earlier this year and he formally joined one of six new board members earlier this month. It was unanimously approved by the CBS Board of Directors, the company said in a statement, which also announced the resignation of two other board members.

"Dick Parsons combines deep industry knowledge with unparalleled corporate and board experience," said Candace Beinecke, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee at CBS. "We are fortunate to have Dick in this leadership role."

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