Richard Sherman: Jerry Jones has the "mentality of planting" with the hymn's policy | Bleacher's report


<img class = "lazyImage lazy atom" itemprop = "contentUrl" src = " h = 53 & w = 80 & q = 70 & crop_x = center & crop_y = top "width =" 800 "height =" 533 "alt =" DOSSIER – On this Monday, September 25, 2017, folder photo, the Dallas Cowboys, led by owner Jerry Jones, in the center, take a knee before the national anthem and an NFL football game against the Arizona Cardinals, Glendale Jemele Hill was suspended by the network for two weeks for making political statements on social media. Hill, who is African-American, received criticism from the network last month after referring to President Donald Trump as a [1959] his team has a policy that his players represent for the national anthem, and these comments have certainly attracted the attention of one of the most outspoken players of the NFL.

49ers San Francisco cornerback Richard Sherman did not mince his words by talking about Jones to Jarrett Bell USA Today : "The owner of the Dallas Cowboys, with the old plantation mentality. You're waiting? "

The NFL set up a new policy in May, which gave players the option of standing in the anthem on the sideline or staying in the locker room:

However, league and association players recently decided to freeze politics while they continue to argue

Sherman acknowledged that he was encouraged by the league's willingness to discuss it with the players.

"They have conversations, that's great," said Sherman, via Bell. "But there are unintended consequences: they were doing that (original policy) to appease the people, they belonged to no one, it's like putting a bandage on a broken leg. "

Jones was not making favors by taking a positio No firm on the controversy of the anthem. He was recently examined for not taking off his hat during the anthem:

Clarence E. Hill Jr. Star-Telegram reported Monday that the NFL had asked Jones to stop talking of the politics of the anthem of his team

Jones was involved in the demonstration of unity of Dallas last season. The team was kneeling on the field together before singing "The Star-Spangled Banner":

This demonstration received praise from Sherman, who said to Domonique Foxworth, of Undefeated, admitted that "Jones" was "admirable". Jones went on his knees with his players rather than just making a statement.

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