Rick Gonzalez, star of "Arrow", about the return of the team in Vigilante Life & Keeping Crossover Secrets (Exclusive)


Warning: spoiler alert! Do not continue if you have not watched the new episode of Monday Arrow, entitled "Hunters in the long bow."

Team Arrow may have taken an advocacy deal to stay away from the life of superheroes – but it turns out that it's easier said than done. .

New episode of Monday Arrow find each of Oliver (Stephen amell) friends and former accomplices who manage their lives outside – to varying degrees of success – while the unmasked Green Arrow is languishing in the Slabside maximum security prison.

While Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) clashed on the best way to hunt down and eliminate the evil Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedoand the naughty Longbow Hunters – while the group was trying to steal a super-powerful battery that could be modified to create a devastating weapon – the tension was mounting even more among the Arrow team as the group struggled to stay away from her heroic alter egos as the threats to Star City become more and more serious.

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It seems that René (Rick Gonzalez) and Dinah (Julianna Harkavy), in particular, will continue to struggle. Fans have seen Rene 's uncomfortable back in his Mad Dog outfit during the first season of season seven last week, much to the chagrin of Dinah, who finds his roots on the other side of the law as captain of the Star City police. .

"There will be tension there," Gonzalez told ET's Philiana Ng at the CW's launch party, in partnership with #SeeHer. "Because he's deciding to dress … that's what suits Rene." "It's someone who's right to want to be dad." But at the same time , being a vigilante is pretty reckless, but that's what we like about him. "

"It comes up against Dinah, who is now the captain of the police," he added. "She has to walk in the right way, she has a different idea of ​​how to help the city, there will be friction there."

That said, the actor could not be more excited to explore the divisions of the once-tight group of Team Arrow.

"I'm excited for the season," Gonzalez exclaimed. "I feel that it's a gigantic transition season for Arrow. There is a lot going on and I think the season will be exciting. "

"The fifth season was expensive because it was the first season that I arrived, but I also feel that we have nailed it in so many ways, and I feel that [season] Seven will challenge him, "he continued.

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Part of René's evolution during season seven implies that he spends more time with his daughter Zoe (Eliza FariaHis father and coach – the semi-reformed activist began teaching boxing and other self-defense techniques at a local community center.

"I like the juxtaposition of having a character like Wild Dog who is very reckless and dangerous, but who also loves and who has a big heart but who wants to protect his daughter," said Gonzalez about his family ties of the new season. "For me, it's great because I tell stories … I have a 5-year-old girl.Sometimes, as an actor, you're reflecting the characters in moments that suit you well." The job is so comfortable for me and to be dad, having a girl, it's very comforting. "

Arrow Last week, during the premiere of his season seven, he dropped a shocking twist by introducing an instant plot that follows Oliver's adult son, William (Ben Lewis), as he follows the past of his father's vigilante around the world and brings him back to the devoted island, Lian Yu. Showrunner Beth Schwartz confirmed last week that fans will see more Arrow the characters appear in the future scenario, turned to 2040, but can not go into details to find out who might appear

"There are so many territories to choose from," she explained. "Because we have opened things so much, we have so much story to tell, we can introduce something into the future and you are then:" How the hell did this happen? "And then, you'll look at our current story like," Wait, when will it happen? "I think that adds a lot to the story."

So what would René feel if his future daughter turned out to be a vigilante like him? "I think René would like that in a way," says Gonzalez about Zoe, who may be following in the footsteps of Mad Dog. "René would absolutely like his daughter to do this kind of thing, that's how he feels how he would help, we should do that!"

Fans have seen more flash-forwarding in the Monday episode, like William and Roy (Colton Haynes) were looking for answers about Lian Yu – who ended up sending them back to Star City. Unfortunately, Gonzalez admits that he does not even know what could be shot in this uncertain future.

"I am in the dark, many of us are in the dark, we only know what we are supposed to do," he said. "There is a lot of information that I do not know what's going on, which is cool because I can watch them with you, guys."

The actor is also sworn to keep the secret on the next crossover event with arrows sister shows, The flash and Super Girl, but he said that he was hoping for some scenes with the newest member of the expanded group of DC Comics: Ruby Rose's Batwoman.

"I'd love to share a scene with Ruby Rose," Gonzalez said. "Wild Dog, in his first crossover, is sharing his screen time with Supergirl and Flash, and I thought it was really cool, so I think Wild Dog needs to have it. a scene with Batwoman, maybe they'd hear it … would there be any frictions? "

Arrow Mondays at 8 pm ET / PT on the CW.

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