Spoiler Alert: This story contains important details of Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead".

The Sunday episode "The Walking Dead" was featured by AMC as "The Last Episode of Rick Grimes". In the end, the leader of the zombie action thriller seems to be 180 degrees from the title of the series: It does not work, but it's not dead either.

What does it mean for Rick, given that this is the last episode of the series for the character and the actor who plays it, Andrew Lincoln, does not it? But a series of TV movies will continue its story, announced AMC Sunday. But we will get there.

At the end of last week's episode, viewers saw Rick impaled on a concrete bar jutting out on a concrete bar after his frightened horse threw him to the approach of D & B. A swarm of walkers. But it was impossible for Rick to end up becoming a zombie chow, which would have been an ignominious demise for the hero who killed Walker.

At the opening of the Sunday episode, Rick is back in the hospital room where the series began. It is clear that he is in a hallucinatory state as he addresses his bedridden self, who had woken up from coma to discover that the zombie apocalypse had begun.

Back in the real world, the resourceful lawyer pulls a MacGyver, throws his belt on another rebar and gets up from where he was stuck. He escapes on the horse suddenly calm and tries, in a true disinterested form, to move away the horde of walkers from the camp of his comrades while bleeding profusely.

At the same time, the Jadis case (Pollyanna MacIntosh) – who abandoned her alter ego Anne – tries to flee father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam), Rick and the other survivors after his secret partnership with a mysterious group with an open helicopter.

She entered into a market for exfiltration; she must give birth to a survivor, although she can not bring herself to take Gabriel, with whom she has developed an emotional and romantic bond. The story of Jadis will play an important role later in the episode. (There is also an important story of Negan opposing Michonne to Maggie, but Rick's fate is the main event.)

The action returns to the main scene as the discoloration of Rick, his blood staining the white coat of his horse, begins to hallucinate, bringing longtime fans to relive moments and memorable characters. In a proper flashback, viewers see Rick in a famous photo of the first season in which he rides a highway outside Atlanta, with thousands of walkers in the photo.

Rick comes back again – he jumps between consciousness and unconsciousness – just in time to escape the gruesome masses, taking refuge in an abandoned house where he drapes himself in a bandage by his side. He drifts. During his hallucination, he meets a familiar face, the former partner of sheriff Shane (Jon Bernthal), become a rival killed by Rick in season 2.

When Rick says he's looking for his family, Shane says it may be his, because he's long believed that his daughter, Judith, is really Shane's child from a relationship that started with his wife, Lori, while he thought that he was dead.

Suddenly, Rick returns from his trance while a walker is about to bite him. He escapes from the house. The horse, of course, just stands there. While Rick is riding, he faints again and finds himself in a beautiful farm with Hershel, the long-dead father, and a wise mentor for Rick. As Rick explains that he must find his family, Hershel (Scott Wilson, deceased in early October) wisely warns that he does not warn him before warning him to wake up, because the zombies are getting closer!

In his next hallucination, Rick is back in the first hospital, crossing the doors that were forbidden him to restrain the walkers. He enters an area dotted with corpses, including corpses that look like the back, as his son Carl and Hershel's daughter, Beth, both died earlier in the series. Suddenly, another dead survivor, Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green, who may be shining from "Star Trek: Discovery") gets up and tells Rick, upset, that everything is fine despite the bodies.

"You did your part, as I did mine. They gave us the strength we needed to do what we needed to do for others. The others draw their strength from us. We change, we help each other, we improve and that never ends, "she says.

Sasha then tells Rick, hallucinating, to wake up, just as he is falling off his horse. He fights a few walkers, then heads to the bridge that he had so much to repair during the first episodes of the season.

When he arrives on the bridge, he imagines his allies – Daryl, Carol, Eugene and his beloved partner, Michonne – come to his rescue, but they are not really there. He comes back again, but the hope that the bridge collapses under the weight of the horde does not materialize.

The zombies are approaching, like Daryl and the others – this time for real – but they can not save Rick. A Walker drops dynamite on the bridge and Rick chooses his last option. He shoots explosives, blowing up many zombies – and apparently himself – while other walkers fall into the river.

Michonne screams silently as Maggie and Carol try to comfort her. A discouraged, Daryl, keeps him away.

The scene is happening on Jadis, who is still waiting for her own evacuation, while she watches dead zombies float downstream before seeing Rick, barely alive, on the shore. The helicopter, seen in a previous episode, makes them fly both. "You'll get by," Rick said to him, lying on a stretcher. "I will save you."

The action leads to a new scene where strangers are struggling to spread another group of walkers, who enjoy most of their time spent in front of a screen since the season. An invisible sniper shoots at walkers, allowing people to escape.

The shooter is Rick's daughter, Judith, but she is no longer a toddler. She is at least a few years older, a young authority wearing her father's hat, her brother's favorite accessory, and armed with a pistol, a reminder of her father and a katana sword, symbol from Michonne, become her mother-in-law.

It's the future. And Rick is not there anymore. But the first of the new movies "will explore the story of where Rick is taken and what he faces in a new corner of the zombie apocalypse".

AMC also announced that the universe "The Walking Dead" would develop with other specials, series, movies and digital content.

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