Rick's latest episode announces Shane's return


The trailer for the final episode of Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) on The dead who walk includes the return of Shane Walsh (Jon Bernthal), among others. Lincoln's imminent start has been on the horizon since the start of his ninth season. Instead of running away from the inevitable, AMC has treated every episode of Season 9 right now as part of Rick's big-day countdown. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (who plays Negan) said that The dead who walk will be basically restarted after Rick's departure, but for the moment, the focus is on the latest outing of the former sheriff's chief turned chef.

Tonight's episode ended with Rick in a deplorable state, after his frightened horse threw him into an exposed metal bar. With no one around and a flock of walkers nearby, it seems like this is going to be the end of the character. However, as shown in the newly released trailer for Rick's latest episode, there is still much to be done before he officially bids farewell to The dead who walk.

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AMC has released a trailer for the episode of next week (titled "What Comes After") that focuses primarily on Rick, who is trying to survive with a stomach injury. Written by Matthew Negrete and Scott Gimple (directed by Greg Nicotero), the episode should switch between reality and Rick's visions – visions that reunite Rick (and, by extension, fans of the series) with characters like Shane. other stuff. You can watch the trailer below.

Based on the trailer, it is safe to say that Rick's current location will not be his last resting place. Someone will likely come to save him and bring him proper medical care, as evidenced by the shots in Rick's caravan connected to a respirator. AMC has designed the trailer in such a way that it does not know exactly which snapshots come from Rick's hallucinations and those that occur in real life – although, no doubt, Rick's snapshot sharing a meal with the late Shane in a patrol car not true. The question is, what inspires this specific vision?

Who will come to Rick's rescue is another burning mystery. The trailer shows Michonne (Danai Gurira) assuring Rick that they are not dying, which suggests that she is the one who finds him. However, considering how The dead who walk to configure Rick's imminent departure, it would be much more logical for Maggie (Lauren Cohan) to save it. Michonne and Darryl (Norman Reedus) had their own moments with Rick throughout the season. Maggie is the only one who has not yet shared a meaningful scene with him. This is especially important given the unresolved tension between the two men since Rick decided to keep Negan's life in the final of Season 8. Give the pair time to hear at least after what happened to Negan would satisfactorily summarize Rick's story. It could also, ultimately, change the mind about the murder of Negan, once she had a discussion with Rick.

More: Andrew Lincoln says goodbye to Walking Dead with the letter of goodbye

The dead who walk Season 9 airs on AMC Sunday.

Source: AMC

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