Right-wing activists Patriot Prayer, antifa clash at the Portland protests


Two opposing protest groups – Patriot Prayer and Antifa – clashed with downtown Portland on Saturday, reports CBS Portland affiliate, KOIN. Portland police said the absence of leaving the area could lead to arrests, calling the riot demonstration.

More than 100 members of the Patriot prayer group gathered at Terry Schrunk Plaza for a freedom rally. The antifa group rallied down the street at Chapman Square for gatherings before a march. Police revoked Patriot Prayer's permit for the rally after the two groups started fighting each other.

People were lighting firecrackers and smoke bombs in the crowd while the police were using flashes to try to disperse the protesters who were clashing.

A group called Eugene Antifa created an event on Facebook titled "Defend PDX: The Patriot's Violence Must Stop"

"It's very important that anti-fascists keep up the pressure so we can stop them once and for all "The Facebook page says.

Portland Police told KOIN that there would be "an important law enforcement device" in the downtown area. KOIN reports that the police were already dressed in riot gear before 4 pm Start time.

The protest was similar to the June 3 protests near the Portland, Oregon, town hall, which led to four arrests after clashes between right-wing groups and antifas.

Thousands of people protested Saturday against the family separations of the Trump administration and the other side of the Columbia River in Vancouver, Washington. Hundreds of rallies were held nationwide to protest President Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy

. Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, castigated Mr. Trump's immigration policies and asked the crowd what score the president would get for his zero tolerance policy. The crowd shouted back, "Zero!"

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