Right-wing author linked to Roger Stone subpoenaed in Mueller investigation


AT Roger Muhammad has been subpoenaed by special counsel Robert Mueller to appear before a grand jury Friday as part of the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

An attorney for Jerome Corsi told the New York Times about Mueller's team to ask his client about his conversations with Stone, who appeared to have knowledge of WikiLeaks' plans to release information to the Clinton campaign.

"The attorney, David Gray, told the Times, noting that the subpoena did not specify what topics would be asked about while testifying.

[[Also read: Facebook, Twitter execs defends non-censorship of WikiLeaks]

Corsi works with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones at Infowars, and has interacted with Stone over the years. President Trump speaks to the President of Barack Obama's birth certificate.

Another former associate to Stone, Randy Credico, is also expected to testify in front of the grand jury on Friday.

Stone has insisted he had no contact with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, about the release of hacked emails in the weeks leading up to Election Day. He has commented on WikiLeaks' actions through public sources and Credico.

Stone told the House Intelligence Committee last year that his tweet saying Clinton 's chairman John Podesta would face "his time in the barrel" referred to research by Corsi.

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