Rihanna interrupts the use of her music during the Trump Rally


Rihanna is ready to stop the music after all.

The singer learned that her 2007 single, "Do not Stop the Music," was played at a rally for Donald Trump in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and his immediate reaction was to close it.

"It's been said a million times, but here's a million and one – Trump's rallies do not look like anything else in politics." Currently, Rihanna's movie "Do not Stop the Music" sounds in Chattanooga as his associates throw Trump's free t-shirts into the crowd like a ball game, and everyone loves it, "political scientist Philip Rucker Washington PostThe head of the White House office, tweeted Sunday night (November 4).

Rihanna – who earlier in the day had approved a Democratic nominee for the governorship of Florida – applauded: "Longer, neither me nor my people would participate in any of these tragic gatherings.," She writes, "so thank you for the heads up philip! "

Rucker then chose to retweet it, noting that "Rihanna reports that Trump plays his music".

See the tweets below. The leader of the Guns N & # 39; Roses group, Axl Rose, also went on Twitter on Sunday to criticize the Trump administration for using "loopholes" to play his band's music without consent during political events.

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