Rihanna to Trump: Stop my music, please, at the campaign rally


President Trump's use of folk music made him fall into hot water again, this time with Rihanna.

The superstar singer turned to Twitter to protest that her song "Do not Stop the Music" was played at a campaign rally on Sunday for Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn in Chattanooga, Tennessee .

Washington To post Philip Rucker, Head of the White House Office point Rihanna off that her hit song had made an appearance at the event.

"[Neither] me nor my people would ever be at or around any of those tragic gatheringsRihanna tweeted to Rucker. "Thanks for the heads up philip [sic]! "

Earlier Sunday, Rihanna took part in another primary race and approved Democratic candidate Andrew Gillum as governor of Florida.

"You have the opportunity to make the story of this election," wrote Rihanna on Instagram. "The United States had only four black governors [sic] in all its history, and we can help make #AndrewGillum the next and the first in Florida! "

Rihanna is not the first popular singer to reject the use of her work at a Trump event. Last week, Pharrell opposed it after Trump played his song "Happy" at a rally Held in Murphysboro, Illinois, hours after a murderous shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

In August, Steve Tyler, leader of Aerosmith, sent a letter of cessation and renunciation to the White House after Trump had used the song "Livin 'on the Edge" without authorization at a rally for the campaign in Virginia -Occidentale. Tyler had twice asked Trump twice in 2015 not to use the band's hit "Dream On" during the presidential campaign.

Write to Eli Meixler at [email protected].

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