Rita Ora played the role of Malone for Halloween and people love it


There are companies specializing in sending temporary tattoo kits that mimic the facial features of popular rappers. It's as cringey as it sounds and most people have enough sense to avoid them. But let's just say that in a moment of weakness, you find yourself floating above the Post Malone package. Mark on Instagram the name of Rita Ora to remind you that this has been done a million times better than ever, without the help of a chintzy tattoo pack.

Rita Ora became Post Malone for a recent performance at Wembley Stadium, with a denim jacket, buckles, beard and a bottle of Bud Light to wear.

"Ima that Halloween started for you in the right way … postttyyyyyy I LOVE BRO @ postmalone … ratatatatata wassssss gooood!" she wrote next to the costume photos on Instagram.

The suit was so convincing that the fans were gawking at the very moment they realized that Rita Ora was not, in fact, Post Malone (even if one wonders if anyone? one saw them together in the same room).

True to the spirit of Halloween, we must assume that Ora celebrated the victory of his costume by ordering a whole Popeye bazaar on Postmates.

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