RMV has issued 1,900 driver's licenses to deceased people, according to an audit | Boston.com


BOSTON (AP) – Governor Charlie Baker is questioning an audit that says more than 1,900 Massachusetts driver's licenses have been issued under the name of the deceased.

A state audit released Thursday concluded that the motor vehicle registry had issued 1,905 driver's licenses to people after their deaths.

State Auditor Suzanne Bump said the registry had not used the databases properly, including the Master Death file from the Social Security Administration, to disable the licenses of the deceased and prevent people from identify.

Baker rejected the findings, telling reporters on Thursday that "everyone on this list is alive."

RMV spokeswoman Jacquelyn Goddard said the audit was out of date and said the RMV was using the main death register of the Social Security Administration to determine whether a person was alive or dead.

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