Rob Gronkowski finally answers the conversation in the trash with Jalars Ramsey


Thanks to Jalen Ramsey, the NFL preseason has ended by leaping this year.

This bang arrived on August 30th when ESPN published an interview with the Jaguar cornerback, and in this interview, Ramsey decided to talk about garbage about Rob Gronkowski. Although Gronk will certainly become one of the best close quarters in the history of the NFL, he has apparently still not done enough to impress Ramsey.

"I do not think Gronk is good," said Ramsey, before giving Gronk a bit of credit. "Let me say – I do not think Gronk is too awesome as people think it is. "

According to Ramsey, Gronk's biggest weakness is that he can not open against turns.

"Every time Gronk was paired with a corner, he had a very bad game and that turn had a very good game," Ramsey said.

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After Ramsey's interview on August 30, Gronk had the opportunity to answer the conversation, but he decided to duck every question. It was mainly because the Patriots were preparing to play Texans, and when you play for the Patriots, you only answer questions about the team you're going to play, unless you want to make Bill Belichick crazy. and no one wants to play. make Bill Belichick crazy.

Fortunately for us, the Patriots are currently playing Jaguars this week, which means that Gronk was finally allowed to answer some questions about Ramsey.

So, Gronk, what do you think of those things that Ramsey said?

"I mean, if that's what he feels, it's what he feels," Gronk said Wednesday, via quotes distributed by the team. "It's a great match this Sunday, we're playing it, I'm sure I'm going to have opportunities to beat him, I'm sure he's going to have opportunities against me." I'm just getting ready as I always get ready, I just have to do my fieldwork, just worry about it. "

Gronk was then asked if Ramsey's trash speech would motivate him for Sunday's game.

"Of course, there is always the motivation you are looking for," said Gronk, before adding a somewhat confusing addendum to his answer. "It's true and it's not so, so it's tricky out there – do not give you the answer you're looking for." That was a trick question – you were trying to make me say something, no, but it does, and it's not, you know what I mean, because it motivates you to hear that, of course, there is something about it. He has seen on the movie and I can probably improve on football in certain categories – do not always feel better every day when you are on the field, so if that's what it is feels, that's what he feels. "

I do not know if Ramsey's comments got Gronk's head, but it looks like he was doing a bit of thinking, so maybe Ramsey's plan is already working.

Even if Ramsey is at the head of Gronk, one thing you will not see on Sunday is that Gronk lost his head. Although Ramsey was able to attract some players losing the head – for example, A.J. Green – Gronk said he would keep his cool against Jacksonville.

There can always be round trips, heated passions and everything, "Gronkowski said," You just have to keep your cool, and I do not see any benefit in getting a 15-yard penalty on the court because you lose your coolness. So, you just have to keep your cool and keep your head up. "

Oh, and just for the record, there will be no chat via SMS this week.

"I do not have his number and he's not mine," Gronk said.

It's probably for the better.

The return match between the Patriots and the Jaguars will take place on Sunday at 16:25. AND on CBS. If you're wondering who's going to win, you're going to want to click here and get our last picks.

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