Rob Gronkowski has explanations after his brother complains that the patriots are frustrated


One of the biggest surprises of the NFL this season has been the Patriots' attack. For three weeks, the Patriots are ranked 25th or less in yards per game, exceeding yards per game and total points.

Depending on who you ask, things are now going to the point where Rob Gronkowski may or may not be frustrated by the team's offensive.

If you ask Chris Gronkowski, then Rob is definitely frustrated. In an interview with WEEI this week, Chris said it was Rob's body language that told the whole story.

"I can just say by his emotions and his facial features that he's super frustrated," Chris said. "You can see at the end of the game how [the Lions] finished the game by covering it twice, pressing it from the line. He just wants to put the ball in his hands and play games. You can not do it when no one opens. "

If Gronk draws double teams, then someone should be open, but that is not the case.

"Usually, an end of line is covered by a linebacker, who really can not cover anyone," Chris said. Boston Globe. "When you give up two of your best defenders – two safety measures or a turn and a security – to cover a tight goal, your outside players should be able to win."

Watching the Patriots' offensive during the first three weeks of the season was not easy for Chris.

"It's just very frustrating to watch, and they have to find something," Chris said.

On Wednesday, Rob was asked about his brother's comments, and let's just say that it seems the two do not see it. Although Gronk admitted to being frustrated, he said it had nothing to do with the team's offensive play.

"I mean, I'm frustrated – well, I mean, the frustration comes from the loss aspect," Rob said, via quotes distributed by the Patriots. "I just have to go back to practice, focus on the dolphins, do what we have to do on the practice field and study the film."

Rob also said that if he was frustrated, he probably would not tell his brother.

"I mean, he does not speak for me and he knows he's not doing it," Rob said. "But he probably got a little stuck, I just have to go ahead, buy his ice shaker, I guess and that's all."

Wait, tell us about this ice shaker …

"I mean I think he was probably going to be promoting for his ice shaker," Rob said. "I mean, because he's been with Shark Tank with, he's been teaming up with [Alex Rodriguez] so it's actually a big problem. So, I guess what he was trying to do was buy his ice shaker, and then he was probably caught in that direction.

This means that Gronk is either frustrated by the Patriots 'offensive, or not frustrated by the Patriots' attack or that it was a ploy to sell more ice shakers.

If Gronk is frustrated by this offense, it is possible that some of these frustrations will disappear in the weeks to come. The Patriots will receive Julian Edelman at Week 5 and Josh Gordon, who should improve every week as he learns more and more about the team's attack.

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