Rob Gronkowski threatened to withdraw after trading to proposed Lions


A Detroit Free Press reporter has provoked millions of people with a Super Bowl title of the week: "Why the Detroit Lions must trade Matthew Stafford against Tom Brady." But several months later, the Lions have almost.

The Patriots and Lions have almost completed a major trade to send winger Rob Gronkowski to Motor City for the final season, but Gronkowski derailed threatening to retire, said Adam Schefter of ESPN.

Instead, the Patriots eventually reworked Gronkowski's contract to add $ 4.3 million in incentives.

Lions are now coached by the long-time Patriots Coordinator Matt Patricia. But that did not mean that Gronkowski, a top player, would be ready to play for them. Gronkowski would not come back to Detroit's calls, and New England decided to go to the bargaining table with him, canceling the trade.

Lions and Patriots play Week 3 Sunday night at Detroit.

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