Rob Gronkowski would have denied the Patriote trade by threatening to retire


The tight end of the Patriots, Rob Gronkowski, was the hamlet of the offseason while he was wondering when he was going to retire. There was also buzz about a possible trade.

Gronkowski finally accepted a reworked contract and was not really going to leave the game at the age of 29, but it was a pretty close call. It was also a close thing that he was not treated by the Patriots.

There was almost an agreement with an anonymous team, the NFL network. Ian Rapoport reported Sunday. However, Gronkowski told the Patriots that he would retire rather than play for and with people other than the Patriots, Bill Belichick and Tom Brady.

He had planned to retire after losing the Super Bowl to the Eagles and wanted to continue training with Alex Guerrero, the controversial coach and Brady's trading partner. Gronkowski suffered several injuries and surgeries during his career and, like Brady, he became a Guerrero follower.

In April, he had decided to return and, according to Rapoport, Gronkowski was snuggled against Belichick and his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, and agreed to review his contract.

"I met the coach today and I informed him that I will be back for the 2018 season with the Pats," wrote Gronkowski on his Instagram account in April. "I train, stay in shape and feel good.

"In the expectation of another championship race."

Can you accuse Gronkowski of not wanting to play elsewhere? He was virtually unstoppable with the Patriots, catching 474 passes for 7,179 yards and 76 touchdowns.

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