Rob Hiaasen, a "great colleague and a true craftsman", killed in Annapolis


Rob Hiaasen, 59, the author's brother and successful journalist Carl Hiaasen, was editor-in-chief at the Baltimore Sun for 15 years before becoming deputy editor at the Capital Gazette in 2010.

Rob Hiaasen He wrote about his bat house: "Bats can eat up to 1,200 insects per hour.

He wrote about a conversation with his dog, Earle.

Among those killed in the Thursday shootings at the Annapolis Capital Gazette newspaper was the veteran columnist, editor and professor of journalism, says his family.

Hiaasen, 59, the brother of successful writer and journalist Carl Hiaasen, was editor-in-chief at the Baltimore Sun for 15 years before moving to the Capital Gazette in 2010.

Lately, he had written a regular column on Sunday

A native of Fort Lauderdale and a graduate of the University of Florida, he had been a reporter for The Palm Beach Post, and presenter and reporter. "I just want people to know how incredibly kind, generous and talented my brother was," said Carl Hiaasen in a telephone interview on Thursday night

. an unforgettable warmth and exhilarating presence as a father and brother, "he said. "But he has also devoted his entire life to journalism."

He was a Floridian and a Marylander, a cynic and a softy.

In a recent column he wrote about a lost cat:

leveled at me have been long-standing charges that I am a romantic and sentimentalist (guilty, guilty). So, what if I can not pass a missing cat / but mostly a missing dog poster and do not blink? What if I always stopped to tell stories of missing cats but mostly dogs?

"Have not we all disappeared at one time or another?"

In another chronicle, he mourned the passage of Tom Petty, a native of Florida and a native of Florida:

"What is good music?" Good music is the music you put on when you are alone or you do not want to be alone, and anyway the music makes you feel something in your guts all day long and if it is not love, sorrow, challenge or hope, then it's pretty close. "

Last Mother's Day, he wrote of his late mother:

" As a neutral biographer, she put away the chapters of my life … all their messy hope.It recorded my job changes, relationship changes, address changes, mood changes, hair color changes – her younger, turning gray at age 28. "Well, my dear, that's fine with you," she says. "

His former editor-in-chief at Baltimore Sun, William Marimow said: "He was a great colleague and a true craftsman in writing. As for Rob's famous brother, Carl, Marimow said, "I think [Rob] really admired his brother, but he wanted to make sure that he carved his own niche." And he l & rsquo; Did it with great success. "

Rob was also an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism

on Thursday night as fears for his well-being grew, his friends posted their concerns on his Facebook page.

"So worried Rob Hiaasen," it was said. "I want to hear your voice and know that you're well."

"Rob, hoping and praying you're safe," said another.

"Rob would make me uncomfortable saying it out loud, but Rob, I" In 1965, he updated his Facebook cover photo

He stands on a beach, back to the camera, looking over turquoise water with black clouds on his head. He's wearing a blue T-shirt and a white cap, and he's wearing his shoes.

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