Robert De Niro calls people to vote today after sending him a homemade bomb


Robert De Niro calls people to vote in light of the series of bombs sent to targets of right-wing anger. In a statement released Friday by his reporter, the actor said "There is something more powerful than the bombs, and it's your vote." People have to vote! "

A suspicious package containing what the authorities described as a homemade bomb was discovered at the De Niro office in New York Thursday. De Niro says that he is grateful that no one has been hurt. He also thanked "the courageous and ingenious members of the security and law enforcement who protected us".

On Thursday, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio congratulated a security guard for his "hard work" by informing the authorities of the package sent to De Niro.

De Blasio said the device had been transported to the premises of the anti-bomb squad of the New York Police Department. The mayor said the device was "very similar to other devices that have been located in the past 48 hours".

"It's clearly an effort to politically terrorize people, to choose them for political ends and to attack them because of their beliefs." That's the kind of thing we have seen before in this city and we do not be intimidated by that. "

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