Robert E. Lee Descendant: I was "discouraged" to hear Trump's comments on the Confederate General


A descendant of Robert E. Lee said Saturday that he was "discouraged" to hear President TrumpDonald John TrumpDave Chappelle: Trump's address to a very small choir in an "eclectic" country Three reasons why Mueller refuses to charge Trump with obstruction The Alabama grocery store says he does not sell Pepsi products bearing the NFL logo to counter knee manifestations MORE congratulate the Confederate commander as "a great general" at a campaign rally on Friday in Lebanon, Ohio.

"Last night, I was discouraged to hear our President, Donald Trump, comment on Robert E. Lee as a great general, as the honorable. These were far from real, "said Robert Lee IV in a video that he posted on Twitter on Saturday.

Trump provoked an immediate reaction during the rally after stating that Lee was a "great general" and claiming that former president Abraham Lincoln had "developed a phobia" because he "could not beat Robert E. Lee ".

"He was going crazy, Lee was winning battle after battle, and Abraham Lincoln came home and said," I can not beat Robert E. Lee, "Trump said.

Robert Lee IV, who would be the great-great-great-great-nephew of the Confederate commander, said that Trump's words showed that he "supports an idol of white supremacy and hatred".

"Robert E. Lee has fought for continuous slavery of black bodies. It was for state rights, yes, but it was for the rights of the state to own slaves, "he said in the video.

"I felt saddened by the state of our country but I am encouraged. I am encouraged because we will work to end this, "he added. "We will vote. We will show Donald Trump that white supremacy has no place in any of our government's halls. "

Robert Lee IV is already high against his ancestor.

At the MTV Video Music Awards 2017, he attracted media attention after qualifying Robert E. Lee as "an idol of white supremacy, racism and hate." At the time, he said, it was his "moral duty to speak out against racism. , The original sin of America. "

Trump drew criticism for his defense of Confederate statues, including Lee's memorials. Last year, it sparked a deadly reaction after a deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, claiming that white nationalist protesters were present to oppose the removal of a "very, very" statue. important. "

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