Robin's contact list has 3 interesting names


In Titans episode 2, "Hawk & Dove", Dick Grayson calls a basic character of the Batman family: Alfred Pennyworth. Dick needs money to bribe Hawk and Dove to take care of Rachel, whose mother was murdered by a mysterious cult. Rachel is homeless and Dick can not take care of herself alone. Alfred is willing to help by operating Wayne's bank accounts.

But between the entries on Dick's phone for Alfred Pennyworth and Dawn Granger (Dove), there's another interesting name: Donna Troy. Also known as Wonder Girl, Donna Troy is a founding member of Teen Titans. His name is the title of the ninth episode of Titansshe will be making her debut soon (ish). Even though it's been almost a whole season, it's comforting to know that Donna is a person Dick already knows.

robin contact list phone titans episode 2 hawk dove easter eggs Dick scrolls tons of interesting names on his phone. DC Universe

Also known as Troia, Donna appeared for the first time in Courageous and bold No. 60 in 1965. It was created by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani, but most of his substantial character arcs were told in Teenage Titans . Although they are closely related to Wonder Woman, the two have never really interacted and Donna's origins are ubiquitous. This means that her skills and abilities have evolved over time, but they generally look a lot like those of Wonder Woman: increased speed, strength, agility, reflexes and healing.

wonder girl titans donna troy Wonder Girl in "Teen Titans". DC

Some more names on the list are also familiar. Michael Pearson is a photojournalist Dick rents a room in Chicago in Nightwing # 19 (Second city). And Lucius Fox is a Batman support character, managing the business as CEO of Wayne Enterprises. He is one of Bruce Wayne's close collaborators and was played by Morgan Freeman in Black Knight trilogy.

Lucius_Fox_titans phone robin contact list Lucius Fox takes care of Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth takes over Batman. DC

The names of the visual effects team, the production team, the writers and the team Titans like SK Nguyen, Mark Reid, Adrian Sheepers, Tony Solomons, Camille Verschooris, Brian Wessel, Jenna Woolf, Paris Keane, Ricardo Elliott II, Brandon Hwang, Brendan Steacy and Christiana Hooks.

Have we forgotten references? Sound off in the comments. New episodes of Titans arrive every Friday on DC Universe.

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