Robotic skins make it possible to move inanimate objects daily


New skins can help astronauts explore Mars

New skins can help astronauts explore Mars

"It's at this moment that I thought about robotic skins".

Skins have been developed without a specific goal, but there are many possibilities, from search and rescue robots to wearable technologies.

In the lab, researchers wrapped the skin around many objects like a stuffed horse and showed how the robotic skin allowed the toy to cross the surface.

The skins could be useful for a field called soft robotics, according to David Howard, a robotics researcher at CSIRO, who was not involved in the research.

The results of the team's work were published on September 19 Science Roboticsand Kramer-Bottiglio said the next step in his lab was to rationalize the devices and use 3D printing to make the components.

The skins would be made from elastic sheets incorporating sensors and actuators developed in the Kramer-Bottiglio laboratory. The movement achieved by an object "depends on the relationship between the dimensions, material properties and strength capabilities of the skin and the dimensions and stiffness characteristics of the body," write the authors in the study. "We can then remove these same skins from this item and put them on a shirt to make it an active wearable device.".

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Robots are usually built with one goal in mind. Professor Kramer-Bottiglio said that we could also use them for wearable technologies.

In addition, the use of several skins at once allows more complex movements. "Now we can get combined modes of operation – for example, simultaneous compression and flexion". For example, foam cylinders that move from one place to another, such as an eyeshadow or a portable technical device designed to correct bad postures.

"Given the nature of the on-the-fly design of this approach, it is unlikely that a robot created using robotic skins performs a task optimally," said Kramer-Bottiglio.

Research published today in the journal Science Robotics shows how versatile robotics built into sensors can transform almost all soft objects and make them move. In fact, researchers say that OmniSkins could even be used on crumpled paper balls and balloons.

The project is a bit funny, but Kramer-Bottiglio said that he had a serious goal: to help NASA prepare for unfamiliar environments of deep space exploration. The question is, "How do you prepare yourself for unknown strangers," she added.

In the same area of ​​research, Kramer-Bottiglio recently received a $ 2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, as part of the Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation program.

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