"Rocky" movies rated from the original to "Creed II" – Variety


Even after the passing of the relay and when a new hero has just claimed our allegiance, the legend Rocky will continue.

More than forty years ago, "Rocky" appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to introduce Sylvester Stallone (who also wrote the screenplay), a relatively unknown character, as a Philadelphia club fighter, Rocky Balboa ( aka The Italian Stallion), a proud but proud palooka inspired by Adrian Pennino (Talia Shire), his shy brother, Paulie (Burt Young), and his crunchy coach / director, Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith) to try his luck in an unlikely encounter with heavyweight champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers). This week, Rocky returns as a supportive mentor to new champion, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan), in "Creed II," the latest addition to what is now an eight-film franchise. Here are all the franchise movies ranked from worst to best.

Editorial use only. Mandatory Credit: Photo: Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock (1601892a) Rocky Film and TV

CREDIT: Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock

Rocky II (1979)

The first suite of the franchise firmly establishes the formula for each follow-up bearing a Roman numeral: start with the last minutes of the previous film, introduce the fatality and / or the financial setback as motivation, let Adrian a lot of time for Shriek) his disapproval of Rocky's risky decisions, and ends – in marked contrast to the original "Rocky" – by a hard-won and undisputed victory for The Italian Stallion. Unfortunately, while adhering too closely to his own plan of action to please everyone, Stallone (succeeding Oscar-winning director John G. Avildsen) offers only one. little more than the purified carbon of its immediate predecessor. Still, it is amusing to note the frequency with which items in this chapter are repeated in later episodes, including "Creed" (for which Rocky uses a chicken to train Creed in the same way that Mickey uses poultry to train him). here) and "Creed II". Does Rocky recount his proposal to Adrian in "Rocky II" while advising Creed to put the question to Bianca? Absolutely.)

Editorial use only. No use of the book cover. Mandatory Credit: Photo of Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock (1605672a) Rocky V Film and Television

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Rocky V (1990)

Even some of the franchise's most fervent fans – including, it seems, Sylvester Stallone himself – have dismissed the fourth sequel as a fundraiser too far away. Nevertheless, "Rocky V" deserves at least a handful of points for being the first film of the first quintet to abandon the claim that, in the real world, the bloody clashes of Rocky would not have been ended by referees after , oh, I dunno, Round 3. So, how does this movie provide the inevitable catharsis of a Rocky Triumphant Smackdown? Well, in this sporadically exciting episode – the first to feature Rocky in the fire, while taking a shower after his violent "Rocky IV" attack with Ivan Drago – The Italian stallion and his family return to his roots in the Philadelphia neighborhood after declaring bankruptcy (of course, Paulie deserves at least partial credit) and ends up training a naïve young man (Tommy Morrison) who (a) betrays Rocky (b) winning the heavyweight title (c) ) still can not emerge from Rocky's long shadow and (d) recklessly challenges his former mentor to fight outside of our hero's favorite bar. All this leads to a long street fight which, in spite of all its melodramatic excesses, is without doubt the most realistic combat of the whole "Rocky" canon. The fourth sequel: Writer-Director Stallone is organizing the return of Burgess Meredith's Mickey Goldmill, although the character has joined The Choir Invisible in "Rocky III".

Editorial use only. No use of the book cover. Mandatory Credit: Photo of United Artists / Kobal / REX / Shutterstock (5885143b) Sylvester Stallone, MR TRocky III - 1982Director: Sylvester StalloneUnited ArtistsUSAScene StillDramaRocky 3L & # 39; Tiger Eye

CREDIT: United Artists / Kobal / REX / Shutter

Rocky III (1982)

Will success spoil Rocky Balboa? Apparently then: after claiming the title of the heavyweight in "Rocky II", Rocky evolves (or, more accurately, evolves) into an elegant and elegant superstar who, to paraphrase the title of the theme song "Eye of the Tiger" , nominated for Oscars, "Exchange his passion for glory. There is however a serious confrontation on the part of Clubber Lang (the very ferocious fool of Mr. T), hungry and hungry, so that the Italian stallion accepts the accuracy of the. coach Mickey Goldmill's assessment: "You have become civilized." In an underestimated turnaround on the cliché of white saviors helping oppressed people of color, the former black enemy, Apollo Creed, prepares for the overthrow of Rocky by training his hero in a gymnasium. next – gasp! – a multitude of African-Americans. Paulie is doubtful – "You can not train him like a colorful fighter, he does not have a rhythm!" – but scriptwriter-director Stallone wisely minimizes the barely concealed racism of the character. Anecdote: Although boxer turned actor Tony Burton appears in the trailer of Apollo in two previous films of "Rocky", he presents in the first film the formidable replica "He does not know that it's a fucking show ! He thinks it's a real right! "- his character was not identified as such in the credits, Duke, up to this one.

Editorial use only. Credit: Photo of Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock (1613213a) Rocky IvFilm and Television

CREDIT: Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock

Rocky IV (1985)

Near the end of the Cold War, writer-director Stallone first shone by proposing a fight between the great American fighter Apollo Creed and the seemingly superhuman boxer of the USSR Ivan Drago ( Dolph Lundgren) – then, after Draco, more or less who kills Creed. in the ring, offering a grudge match between Rocky and the Big Bad Russkie. "Rocky IV" is the first film of the franchise to completely break with reality. Even by the standards of the "Rocky" franchise, the decisive match between Rocky and Drago is incredibly surprising, with the kind of bloodletting that is normally expected at the movies. about ghosts armed with chainsaws – but its uncontrolled excess and immodesty are the key to its enduring appeal. But wait, it's over: James Brown arrives at home with a pre-fight "Living in America" ​​performance that could be used as a play while strongly defending the song as our new national anthem.

C2_01193_RSylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa and Michael B. Jordan in Adonis Creed and inCREED II, a Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures film.Credit: Barry Wetcher / Goldwyn Metro Mayer Pictures / Warner Bros. Pictures © 2018 Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer Pictures Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

CREDIT: Barry Wetcher

Creed II (2018)

For many franchise fans, this 2015 "Creed" rated sequel might look more like a long-awaited resolution of "Rocky IV" from 1985, like Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan, once again fallen to the ground), the heavyweight champion son of Apollo Creed, faces the brutal Viktor Drago (Florian Munteanu), son of the Russian fighter who literally beat his father to death. Stallone takes his portrait of the old Rocky Balboa as a wise man marked by the battle in the corner of the young Creed. Tessa Thompson once again makes Adonis' beloved Bianca a more substantial character than Talia Shire has ever been allowed to be like Adrian, and the movie itself a satisfying conclusion for every character (yes, even for Viktor and Ivan Drago) that there seems to be no compelling reason for Stallone (who co-wrote this one) and his company to produce another sequel. Of course, that did not stop them before, is not it?

CREDIT: John Bramley

Rocky Balboa (2006)

"Rocky Balboa" plays for a considerable part of his time as the "Archie Bunker's Place" franchise, where Rocky, who has long since retired, runs a popular restaurant in Philadelphia, occasionally dialoguing with old knowledge – including a street kid who became single mother Marie (Geraldine Hughes) and spider Rico (Pedro Lovell), two characters from the very first movie "Rocky" – and faithfully visiting the grave of his wife, Adrian, whose cancer death is eloquently recalled in "Creed" of 2015. (Paulie de Burt Young is still there, but hardly, he drinks so much that the announcement of his death in "Creed" is really not a surprise.) And, to be honest, an addendum as quirky as the first quintet could have been entertaining on its own merits. But of course, as it is a "Rocky" movie, we finally find ourselves in the ring: after a computer-simulated showdown, Rocky might have defeated current heavyweight champion Mason "The Line" Dixon ( Antonio Tarver), the young boxer defies the living legend in a real fight. However, just like the franchise's first film, the unbelievably melancholy and surprisingly touching movie "Rocky Balboa" does not rest on a thwarted counter-surprise for an emotionally satisfying conclusion. Once again, Rocky recognizes and fully appreciates the success of being able to simply keep the distance.

CREDIT: Courtesy of Warner Bros. picture

Credo (2015)

Sylvester Stallone wrote the first six "Rocky" films, directed four and played the main character in each of them for a period of three decades. It is difficult to think of a maintenance of actors, characters and creators as consistent throughout the history of cinema: the collaboration of François Truffaut and Jean-Pierre Leaud for the cycle Antoine Doinel, perhaps ? – What makes director / co-writer Ryan Coogler and lead Michael B. Jordan realize in "Creed" is even more remarkable. The film works extraordinarily well, both in continuity with an ongoing narrative and in a striking introduction to a new saga. Rocky Balboa, Stallone's old man, goes first – reluctantly, then enthusiastically – to a new suitor, Adonis Creed (Jordan), son of his late rival and friend Apollo Creed. Make no mistake, this is the story of the young boxer and the movie of Jordan. But Stallone (who earned a deserved Oscar nomination for his performance here) is an invaluable support player, describing Rocky as a gray eminence of the street that gives Adonis what, decades earlier, Mickey Goldmill, has encouraged: million-to-one shot.

Sylvester Stallone and Burgess Meredith in

Rocky (1976)

Forget the scams and stuff – and, yes, some of the smaller suites – that inspired it. And no matter how his plot against draws against luck was a blazon, even when the film was first aired in 1976. "Rocky" represents an almost miraculous confluence of actor and role, of Emotion and manipulation, entertainment and mentality. In a period of post-Watergate cynicism and disillusion, Stallone and director John G. Avildsen have found a way to cheer and excite the public by offering a fantasy of well-being from the credible aspect of a street drama. And yet, even though "Rocky" is really a product of its time, its appeal remains timeless. Just like "Casablanca", which also won an Oscar for best films, it inspires an almost fanatical admiration: anyone who has already embraced it can quote a memorable dialogue or describe a favorite moment. (Take note of the beautifully played scene in which Burgess Meredith's Broken Mickey Goldmill almost begs to be the manager of Rocky.) A sobering thought: if it appeared instead of yesterday, Rocky would be considered an independent production (a small budget effort written and performed by an actor of almost unknown character) and would probably be premiered at Sundance or SXSW. But – could it – mark something like the same impact?

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