Rod Rosenstein's meeting with GOP to take place "early next week"


Rep. Bob Goodlatte said Saturday that he expected a meeting between House Republicans and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein could take place as early as next week.

"We are planning to do it much sooner than November, and we will announce it as soon as we get it right, hopefully early next week," said the Virginia Republican.

Goodlatte, who chairs the Judiciary Committee of the House, said the private meeting Rosenstein had decided on Thursday would be private, instead of being a hearing, because of the "confidential nature of the information".

The committee is studying Rosenstein's reports from the New York Times that he was willing to carry a wire when he was talking to President Trump to facilitate the ouster of the president under the 25th amendment. Rosenstein denied making these comments.

Goodlatte also revealed that he had not yet received memos from former FBI director Andrew McCabe, who he had summoned to appear before the Justice Department on Thursday. , calling the answer of the latter "unsatisfactory".

"They can stay confident, but we have to see it," he said. The memos reportedly mentioned Rosenstein's comments.

Rosenstein oversees the investigation of special advocate Rober Mueller on Russia's interference in the 2016 election, which President Trump has repeatedly disparaged as a "witch hunt" . However, Trump said earlier this week that he "would prefer not to" dismiss Rosenstein.

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