Roger Stone associate Randy Credico meets Mueller's grand jury in Russia


Randy Credico, in the center, arriving at the federal court. (Astrid Riecken / For the Washington Post)

New York radio host Randy Credico, accompanied by a dog, testified on Friday about his relationship with Roger Stone before a grand jury working with Special Adviser Robert S. Mueller III on Russian interference in the campaign presidential election of 2016.

Credico, a Stone associate, a longtime advisor to President Donald Trump, declined to discuss details after his appearance, but acknowledged that some prosecutors wanted Credico to contact Julian Assange, the secret group founder WikiLeaks who has published hacked democratic emails.

Asked about the importance of Assange's interrogation, Credico responded "Very little," before being interrupted by his lawyer, Martin R. Stolar, who said, "Do not". Has he been questioned by prosecutors Credico said, "You do not need me to answer that," claiming that he had publicly denied being an intermediary in an MSNBC interview in March .

"Mr. Credico's testimony related to his relationship with Roger Stone," Stolar said, adding that he had not submitted any documents "We will see if they want to talk to us again." They might want to ask us questions on some emails … we'll see what happens. "

Credico and his lawyer spoke to reporters at the federal courthouse in Washington after receiving a subpoena last month. Credico said that he had refused an offer of voluntary meeting with the investigators. He said he was given permission to bring his white therapy dog, Tulear Cotton, Bianca, into the grand jury room.

Credico's testimony came as a lawyer for another Stone associate, conservative political commentator Jerome Corsi said he would not appear before the grand jury on Friday after being summoned to appear.

Corsi's lawyer, David Gray, declined to comment on Friday. Gray had said earlier this week that he would go to the special advisor's office on Thursday and hoped to negotiate a voluntary interview for his client instead of appearing before a grand jury.

Gray said the subpoena indicated that Mr. Mueller was interested in Corsi's communications in 2016 and 2017. Mr. Gray said he thought the Special Advisor was considering asking questions about Corsi's contacts with Stone. , which was subjected to a thorough examination by Mueller's investigators.

Corsi shared his research with Stone around the same time that Stone publicly stated that he had been in contact with Assange and that he had prior knowledge of the versions of the hacked emails of WikiLeaks.

Stone has since denied any direct contact with Assange and has stated that he has no specific knowledge of WikiLeaks' material or group plans to publish it.

Gray said that Corsi had no contact with WikiLeaks. He will not comment on what Corsi's communications say about Stone or his interactions with WikiLeaks.

This summer, Other Stone associates were interviewed or invited to appear before the grand jury.

Stone's assistant, Andrew Miller, was found guilty of refusing to submit to a grand jury summons and seeking to have Mueller's statement declared unconstitutional.

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