Rogue One's Prequel Series, so get ready for more rebel action


Good news, Star wars Fans, one of your favorite movies receives his own show. according to The Hollywood journalist, Diego Luna will play in a Thief A prequel series for Disney's next streaming service, Disney +. The actor should resume his role as rebel spy, Cassian Andor, the series unfolding during the early days of the rebellion. The official Disney press release describes this show as a "thrilling spying thriller" that "will explore stories filled with spying and bold missions to restore hope to a galaxy struggling with an empire without mercy ".

Luna seems happy to be back in the shoes of Cassian. The actor said in a statement to THR:

"Going back to the Star Wars universe is very special to me – I have so many memories of the great work we have done together and the relationships I have built up throughout our journey. have a fantastic adventure in front of us.This exciting new format give us the chance to explore this character more deeply. "

The untitled series is expected to go into production in early 2019. There is no planned creation date yet, but for fans of Thief A and the rest of the Star wars The universe of this news is sure to make the Disney streaming service even more tempting. Of course, Luna's show is the second Star wars series that Disney has announced to date. The first is The mandalorian of Jon Favreau.


Luna's Cassian became fans' favorite after the release in 2016 of Thief A. Unfortunately, some events of the film have made a comeback in the future Star wars some delicate projects. This makes the news of the rebel character who has his own series all the more exciting.

Until now, the reaction of fans on Twitter has been extremely positive. It seems that while getting a Thief A The prequel series is exciting on its own. Having Luna on board brings the project to a whole new level. And the Twittersphere does not hesitate to express its joy.

The @runwithskizzers Twitter user is one of the many fans who point out that the Prequel series is also a major victory for the performance in the Star wars universe. They tweeted, "You all have the potential for a story in real life (like NOT a CARTOON as much as I love those) to have a Star Wars series, I can not, I CAN NOT. " Another user, @FrankieGodoy tweeted, "Diego Luna gets his own Star Wars show to me incredibly excited. Glad to know that the galaxy is filled with badass of color. "

Although it will likely be a long time before Disney gives more details on the series, it seems reasonable to say that the Star wars Fandom will be delighted with this news for a long time. As fun as the movies are, a movie just would not offer as much depth as a promised series. And it seems pretty clear that the more Cassian there is, the better.

Get ready now because this Star wars This series looks like the one expected by many fans.

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