Romaine lettuce safe to eat again? E. coli contaminated lettuce probably from California


Officials from the US Food and Drug Administration have determined that potentially contaminated romaine lettuce from E. coli was probably harvested in California. The Roman of this region has been removed from store shelves to reduce the risk of infection of customers.

On Friday, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb tweeted that the location of lettuce had been determined by examining crop and harvest patterns and that the next step was to remove potentially lettuce from the market. contaminated.

He also said that new lettuce from other regions would soon be harvested and could then be used to replace the potentially contaminated Roman. It is currently unclear how the new Roman "post-purge" will be labeled to indicate that it's safe to eat for buyers, though it's not clear for now, tweeted Gottlieb.

"We want to help unaffected producers resume production and allow stores and consumers to restock. One of the goals we seek is to make this type of labeling the new standard rather than a short-term solution; as a way to improve identification and traceability in the system, "he tweeted.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exchanged information on the outbreak Tuesday, just days before the Thanksgiving dinners that could honor the tables across America. At that time, the CDC advised anyone not to eat, buy or sell romaine lettuce. The warning was issued after 32 people in 11 states in the country declared they were sick and infected with the Shiga toxin-producing virus. E. coli O157: H7 ", according to the CDC.

An infected person may take up to 10 days to manifest his symptoms, but the average is three to four days, according to the CDC. Symptoms that most people experience are severe stomach cramps, diarrhea that may contain blood, vomiting and sometimes fever. The majority of infected people recover within five days to a week or so, but the severity of the infection can range from mild to potentially fatal.

Some people develop a hemolytic uremic syndrome or HUS, a life-threatening complication of infection. According to the CDC, it appears that the disease has improved about a week after the onset of diarrhea. The kidneys may stop working. They are generally characterized by infrequent urination, fatigue and loss of facial color.

Roman in store Romaine lettuce is sold in a supermarket in Washington, DC on November 20th. Health officials have warned consumers not to eat romaine lettuce or throw it into the home, evoking an outbreak of E. coli poisoning. Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images

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