Romance novelist Nancy Crampton-Brophy arrested for murder of her husband's boss


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A novelist was arrested for murder, three months after the death of her husband head chef at the culinary institute where he taught.

Police in Portland, Oregon, said Nancy Crampton-Brophy, 68, was arrested at home Wednesday – three months after Daniel Brophy's death at the Oregon Culinary Institute.

Image: Nancy L. Crampton-Brophy Arrested for Murder
Nancy Crampton-Brophy was arrested Wednesday at her home in Washington County for the shooting death of Daniel Brophy.Multnomah County Sheriff's Office

Crampton-Brophy was charged Thursday with murder and the illegal use of a weapon. The police did not disclose a possible motive, but said in a statement that "based on information gathered during the investigation, investigators believe that Nancy L. Crampton-Brophy is the suspect in the murder of Daniel C. Brophy ".

Crampton-Brophy describes himself on his website as the author of "fictional books in the novel suspense genre". Among his works is a series with the slogan "False never felt like such", which includes titles such as "The Wrong Hero", "The Wrong Brother" and "The Wrong Husband".

"The Wrong Husband" tells the story of a woman who is preparing a plan to flee her abusive husband on a birthday trip abroad with him. His escape efforts are diverted when cruise ships are on wrecks off the Italian coast.

The murder of Brophy on June 2 stunned the community. At a vigil outside of the culinary school where he taught for decades, the students recalled him as an inspiring instructor with a good sense of humor that helped to shape their career.

Crampton-Brophy also cried at the wake saying, "Daniel was one of the few people I knew who did exactly what he wanted in life and who He was a person who did what he liked: he loved teaching, he loved mushrooms, he loved his family. "

Daniel Brophy
Chef Daniel Brophy.via LinkedIn

Former Brophy's students were among those who filled the hearing room on Thursday for the indictment, where Crampton-Brophy was speechless when a judge listed the charges against her, reported KGW. , a subsidiary of NBC in Portland.

Tania Medlin, a friend of Crampton-Brophy for three decades, said the arrest had shocked her.

"I can not imagine," Medlin told KGW. "I do not think she can do it."

She added that friends and family have always been with Crampton-Brophy for the last three months to support her after her husband's death.

The couple had been married for 26 years, according to KGW.

On her website, Crampton-Brophy describes her husband as "Mr. Right "and adds:" Like all marriages, we have had ups and downs, more good times than bad ones. "

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