Romania honors the dead of the First World War with wreaths


PARIS (AP) – Latest news on the commemorations of the century following the end of the First World War (all times):

2:15 p.m.

Ambassadors, Romanian army officers and other personalities laid wreaths on a war memorial, while Romania marked the end of the First World War a century ago.

Nearly 700,000 Romanians died of wounds, illnesses and famine during the war.

Dozens of British, Americans and Romanians attended a Sunday service, led by the British military priest, Reverend Martin Sheldon of the Royal Air Force. The 45-minute ceremony began in the mist and ended under bright sunshine at the Commonwealth War Cemetery, about 30 kilometers north of Bucharest.

A total of 90 pilots and sailors who died mainly during the Second World War and a few during the First World War are buried here, mainly British, South African and Canadian soldiers.

Romania went to war with the Allies in 1916 but then capitulated to the central powers.

He returned to the war in 1918 and doubled his territory after the end of the war.


1:45 p.m.

The portraits of soldiers killed during the First World War were drawn on many British beaches and were washed into the sea by the rising tide.

This tribute was paid Sunday on the beaches of Blackpool and Cornwall in England, in the Shetland Islands in Scotland and in other parts of the United Kingdom.

The portraits in the sand were part of the national celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. English filmmaker Danny Boyle chose the deceased soldiers whose portraits were etched.

Ephemeral gestures of remembrance were to appear so that people could express their gratitude to some fallen soldiers before the tide came to their resemblance.

Many worked on the project. Artists and volunteers used rakes and stencils to create the images early on Sunday morning, when the tide was low.


1:30 p.m.

A senior representative of the German government took part for the first time in Armistice Day celebrations in Great Britain.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier laid a wreath at the cenotaph memorial in central London, just after Prince Charles laid a wreath on behalf of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

Steinmeier also praised the cenotaph as a sign of respect for fallen British soldiers at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

British officials said the presence of the German president Sunday was supposed to symbolize the friendship between the two nations who were opponents of the two world wars.


1:05 p.m.

French President Emmanuel Macron will welcome 130 world leaders and dignitaries to the presidential Elysee Palace at the end of the ceremony commemorating the armistice ending the First World War.

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are at the main table near Macron. Other guests include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, King Mohammed VI of Morocco, King Felipe VI of Spain and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres .

Companions of Heads of State and Government were invited to a luncheon hosted by Brigitte Macron, First Lady of France, at the Chateau de Versailles, west of Paris. A private concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra should follow.



Pope Francis stated that the First World War was to serve as a strong warning to deny a "culture of war".

But Francis observed that the lessons of the war had been ignored, saying "it seems we would never learn" while he was speaking to the faithful in Saint Peter's Square in the City. Vatican, Sunday.

The pope, who often denounces the arms industry, added: "Let's invest in peace, not war!"

Francis pointed out that the bells of St. Peter's Basilica and churches around the world would ring Sunday to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.

He described the 1914-18 war as "a strong recommendation to all to reject the culture of war and to seek all legitimate means to end the conflicts that still bloody many parts of the world".

Francis also cited the definition of war as "useless massacre" provided by Pope Benedict XV of the First World War.



Members of the family of soldiers wounded or died during the First World War are among the crowds who gather along the avenue des Champs-Elysees, flooded with rain, in Paris to commemorate the end of the war , one century ago.

Peter Kearsey, a 72 – year – old Australian, recalled the 28 facial reconstruction surgeries undergone by his father after he burst himself with the help of a burst of shrapnel in 1917. Belgium. Kearsey says his father, Bill, survived thanks to a friend who shot him from a trench.

Kearsey said that the rain that fell during the ceremony attended by dozens of world leaders for the centenary of the armistice "is very appropriate", because the soldiers who fought in the trenches during the Great War have endured a miserable rain and mud.

He added, "It's raining today, a hundred years later."

The Kearsey family also roams the battlefields of the First World War.



French President Emmanuel Macron warns of the dangers of nationalism in a speech aimed directly at the rise of populism in the United States and Europe.

With US President Donald Trump and other world leaders looking for the Armistice's centennial Sunday in Paris, Macron said the "old demons" that provoked the First World War and that millions of dead are being reinforced .

The French leader said: "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism, saying:" Our interests first, whatever happens to others ", you are erasing the most precious thing a nation can have, the one that makes it live, what makes it grow and what is most important: its moral values. "

Trump is proudly declared nationalist. Macron stood against Europe against nationalist movements opposed to global approaches, such as those in Hungary and Poland, among other countries.



The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, led a national commemoration on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

The black-eyed queen watched from her balcony in central London on Sunday as her son, Prince Charles, laid a wreath for her at the foot of the cenotaph, a memorial to fallen soldiers and soldiers.

The solemn act marked by two minutes of silence was repeated in dozens of towns and villages in Britain.

Prince William and Prince Harry also laid wreaths at the cenotaph, along with other prominent members of the royal family.

A wreath was also filed on behalf of Prince Philip, the 97-year-old queen's husband, who did not attend the ceremony.

Prime Minister Theresa May and other national figures also laid wreaths at the memorial in central London.



Eight teenagers born in the twentieth century read excerpts of testimonies from people who testify to the end of the First World War.

French and British soldiers, a Chinese worker, a Frenchwoman – are all represented in the extracts, punctuated by a closing music by a Togolese singer.

"As soon as I realize how happy I am, I think of my brother and sister, victims of the war, with their eyes blurred," wrote a French soldier, Alfred Roumiguières.



Feminist activist group Femen claimed responsibility for the bare-baked protesters who disrupted US President Donald Trump's motorcade en route to a ceremony commemorating the end of the First World War.

A woman easily penetrated the reinforced security along the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, walking in the middle of the procession and shouting "fake manufacturer of peace" to the passage of cars.

Officers then seized it.

At least one other topless protester also went to the Avenue, but could not reach the cars.

Femen's topless protesters have repeatedly violated security around world leaders and major events, usually topless.



World leaders walked side by side to commemorate the end of the First World War with a dark, rain-soaked line as the bells rang.

Arriving with a few minutes late, they missed the exact moment to commemorate the armistice that ended the First World War. Fighter planes passed overhead while the leaders headed for the Arc de Triomphe.

On November 11, 1918, at 11 o'clock, the devastating war ended.

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin were to arrive separately for the commemorations.



World leaders missed the exact moment to commemorate the armistice that ended the First World War.

While the bells were ringing on the Western European front, US President Donald Trump was heading to the Arc de Triomphe, as were world busloads of world leaders, but they were late.

Many of the leaders, wearing black umbrellas, lined up in front of the monument.



US President Donald Trump heads for the triumphal arch of the Champs-Elysees. World leaders followed a few minutes later to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War.

Presidents and other dignitaries left the French presidential palace by bus, just minutes before the scheduled start of the ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe.

Trump is headed separately to the memorial for security reasons, just like Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The war ended at 11 am on November 11, 1918, and Sunday's ceremonies aimed to bring home the disaster that would fall on the world should it stumble into another world war.



The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, former Polish Prime Minister, celebrates the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence by laying wreaths on the monuments of key figures in the reconstruction of the country's state after the First World War.

Tusk laid flowers on the monument of the first head of state and head of the armed forces, Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, near the Belvedere Palace, where Pilsudski resided.

Tusk, an opponent of the Polish right-wing government, said the political disputes over Poland's future were "sometimes too strong," but stressed that "our connection is much stronger and much more important, because Is you, Poland ".

He will also participate in a state ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.



French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte host dozens of world leaders at the French presidential palace before a ceremony in Paris marking Armistice Day.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres are among the dignitaries arriving.

Most heads of state and government will take a bus to the nearby Arc de Triomphe to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Others will go to the monument on their own for security reasons, including US President Donald Trump.


9:30 am

Nothing is left to chance in the seats of world leaders at the commemoration of the Arc de Triomphe of the end of the First World War.

French President Emmanuel Macron will be seated between his wife and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Russian President Vladimir Putin will sit to the left of Brigitte Macron, while President Donald Trump and his wife will be alongside Merkel.

The French prime minister, the president of the French legislative body and the Spanish king Felipe VI will be present.

The rain threatens, but all the leaders will find themselves under a canopy while they will commemorate the moment 100 years ago, when the massacre of the First World War finally stopped.



Poland is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its rebirth as an independent state with a multitude of events across the country, including marches and the national anthem sung in public in more than 600 cities.

Poland regained its independence at the end of the First World War in 1918, reborn from the ashes of three defeated powers that had divided and ruled the country of central Europe for 123 years.

The ceremonies in Poland coincide with the meeting of world leaders in Paris on Sunday to mark the armistice of what was then called the Great War.

The newfound independence of Poland fulfilled the dreams of generations of patriots who had kept the language and culture alive despite foreign domination and repression. Yet Poland had to be invaded and occupied again in the 20th century



Commemorations are under way around the world to mark the moment, 100 years ago, when the massacre of the First World War finally stopped.

France, epicenter of the first world war, hosted the main international commemoration, stressing that the world should not fall into the war, as it did so quickly and catastrophically with the Second World War.

Among the more than 60 world leaders that were to meet at 11 am sharp, a century after the ceasefire, included those who had the power to destroy humanity if it fell into the madness of death. a third world war.

The US and Russian presidents were joined by a range of leaders whose geographical distribution showed how "a war to end all wars" left some parts of the world untouched.

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