Romney: Family Separations, a "Dark Chapter" in US History


"It was heartbreaking," said Romney during the debate, in response to a question about the separation of the immigrant family. "It was a dark chapter in American history: seeing children separated from their parents."

"This is inexcusable and can not continue," said the Senate candidate.

In November, Romney will face Democratic opponent Jenny Wilson, a member of the Salt Lake County Commission.

In May, the Trump government announced a policy that the authorities would prosecute anyone illegally crossing the border. This meant that undocumented immigrants who were being prosecuted were being held in federal prisons, where their children could not be with them.

Previous administrations largely chose not to prosecute persons who illegally crossed children, but rather to return them to immigration courts.

After overwhelming pressure and intense pressure from the entire political spectrum, Trump reversed the trend and signed a decree in June to end the separation of families at the border.
In July, Health and Social Services Secretary Alex Azar estimated that fewer than 3,000 children, possibly separated from their parents, were in government custody.
However, more than 100 children who may never be reunited with their parents remain in government custody, CNN reported in September as authorities worked to remedy the crisis caused by the initial decision of the Trump administration. .
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