Romney: I can not conceive of saying that the media "are an enemy"


Candidate for the Republican Senate and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney defended the media on Thursday "as essential for our Republic", breaking with President TrumpDonald John TrumpMore voters join Trump instead of GOP: Top Dem poll on Russian Senate investigation paves way for Halloween "witch hunt" Voters attribute Trump over Obama to dynamism of the economy: survey MOREwho called the press "the enemy of the people".

"I can not conceive of thinking or saying that the media or any responsible press organization is an enemy.The media are essential for our Republic, for our freedom, for the cause of freedom abroad and for our national security friend, "Romney wrote in a blog post on his campaign's website.

Romney in the blog directly addressed Trump's attacks on the media, noting this one tweet earlier this week, who accused the media of "great anger in our country" and called the press "the real enemy of the people".

"Certainly every president has endured stories that he knew were inaccurate and made fun of one or more publications …. But no American president has ever vilified the press. American or any of its media as an "enemy of the people", "Romney wrote.

Trump often ridiculed the media during his presidency, dismissing critical news criticizing him as "false news" and calling the press an enemy.

Romney, who will probably be to be elected as the next senator of Utah, He also wrote that he had been asked during a recent election campaign that he would take steps to close news outlets such as CNN and the New York Times.

The person who asked the question claimed that these news agencies "provided false information," Romney wrote.

"I found it deeply troubling, as it was different from when I was growing up, so no one would seriously consider choking the free press to publish the news and opinions as it pleased." Romney added.

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