Roomba i7 + is a step forward for home robots


Clean Base Dock

The main advantage of the i7 + model is the automatic dump feature mentioned above, which redirects a full Roomba to its Clean Base dock to automatically connect and empty the tray. Although Devindra needed some attempts to find the best location for the 19-by-15 wharf, no one else reported having problems installing the Roomba base. Jerry said it was easy to find a three-foot space to dock there.

<img alt = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-caption = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id "data-media-id =" fe395be7-adc0-41f9-b06a-34b2085820a1 "data-original-url =" images / 2019-08 / e0ad1a10 -b551-11e9-bff7-4c3160b7b971 "data-title =" iRobot Roomba i7 + "src =" % 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C954 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fos% 2Fcrd% 2F2019-08% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2A% 2 % of your device size

The automatic emptying capacity, unsurprisingly, has been a huge hit with users. Matt said the feature had turned the i7 + into "a game changer", while Michael called it "paradise!" Jeff thinks it's super cool that his i7 + is emptying when it's full, then picking up where he left off, and Uribees just said that it was awesome.

Bag Hacks

The clean base contains exclusive bags that, according to iRobot, can hold up to 30 Roomba bins. Once filled, you still need a human to open the base and throw the bag in the trash. And, as these exclusive bags cost $ 15 for a pack of three, they can really add up. At least two users reported finding workarounds to offset this expense. (Note: these are not techniques that Engadget has tried or recommend.)

Jerry said, "One of the big savings we made was to cut the dust bag and sew Velcro strips. We can empty the bags. This gives us about 100 cleanings; it works well, we are still in our first bag. "Dave chose a different way by recommending to use" your existing vertical vacuum cleaner to vacuum debris from the Clean Base Bag. Not really pretty, but very effective. I can last a $ 15 Roomba bag for months. "

<img alt = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-caption = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id = "local-2-5550742 -1564770006307" data-media-id = "f626a305-f7d8-4022-8ab5-c7f7c532d0a3" data-original-url = " images / 2019-08 / 0d4d5b70 -b552-11e9-afaf-db285d38f69e "data-title =" iRobot Roomba i7 + "src =" % 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 16% 2C1008 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fos% 2F% 2F2019-08% 2F0dF-2F% 2F% 2F% 2F% 2F%

Cleaning ability

The bells and whistles of the world will not make up for a vacuum that can not perform basic cleaning duties, and here the i7 + has received mixed reviews. Michael said that he "had great suction" and "cleans bare floors and carpets", and Matt was "surprised at the amount of dirt accumulated on seemingly clean floors". Emily's program for her i7 + "does a fantastic job on all terrains, I'm not afraid of mutant rabbits in dust." And although he owns two big dogs, Alex said he had not found a single hair in the rolls for two weeks.

Speaking of these rollers, Matt said he had no trouble removing and cleaning the brushes because they "seem designed for heavy use and easy repair or maintenance". Lougan agreed, claiming that he had to clean the rollers of his i7 + every week – but that did not bother him because it's "a lot easier to clean than previous generations." Open the latch, remove it, pull on the ball of hair on the side and bring it back. "

<img alt = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-caption = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id "data-media-id =" 8b5ff917-bc72-4cf3-a339-1f4c6ca56601 "data-original-url =" images / 2019-08 / 3740f360 -b552-11e9-bdbf-2e2b97cd5397 "data-title =" iRobot Roomba i7 + "src =" % 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C946 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2A% 2F% 2F

However, other users were less impressed. Michael's i7 + remains "stuck when the little people in our house leave socks or toys on the floor" and sometimes "shut up again in a room". Christopher said: "The i7 does not clean as well and as efficiently as the Roomba 890 I had before," because its i7 + leaves traces of clothing on the carpet. Michellette said that after three generations of Roombas, she did not think that "the cleaning mechanism has improved in recent years".


Many users were satisfied with Roomba's ability to map and navigate a house. Matt said his Roomba had "done a great job of mapping the soil after a few hours of workout." Dave acknowledged that it was "really beautiful, it only took three learning cycles to solve it." Scott understood that it was no longer necessary to have "a group of" headlights "to separate rooms or areas. The virtual walls of the application are working perfectly." And Lougan was able to "map the areas right in front of the litter box, so that he actually cleans twice more per day". However, Christopher had less success because there were "three rooms that the i7 refuses to map, so let's hope the firmware will fix that."

<img alt = "iRobot Roomba Floating Card" data-caption = "iRobot Roomba Floating Card" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back = "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id = "local-4-7600303 -1564770199433" data-media-id = "52dd871e-6c69-4e84-a87c-bfb8def3bda6" data-original-url = " images / 2019-08 / 8395d050 -b552-11e9-abe7-2cb4b1f57662 "data-title =" iRobot Roomba Floating Card "src =" 2C0% 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & formize = 1600% 2C1630 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F

Smartphone app

The iRobot Mobile App allows Roomba owners to perform a variety of tasks ranging from battery level control to planning, mapping, and receiving push notifications. Many users have found this helpful. Uribees found the application easy with some very practical features.

Meanwhile, Jay appreciated that "the application warns me in case of any problem, for example if he was craving a toy and needed intervention." Scott thought the application was "excellent" and appreciated his ease of integration into his home and his Google phone.

Integration of intelligent assistant

The mobile application is only one way to start the i7 +; Because it can integrate with a domestic assistant such as Alexa or Google Assistant, homeowners can verbally order the vacuum cleaner to begin cleaning. This sounds good in theory, but how does it work in practice? Matt said it was great and was "amused to see the robot take off in a room after asking Alexa to clean it up." He wants them to add other voice commands like battery status.

Jerry thought that "integration with Alexa is not really bad – we can stop him, interrupt him or tell him to clean a specific room". Lougan was more critical about his experience. "You have to be very specific when you ask her to do something, you can not say, Alexa cleans the living room, you have to say, Alexa, tell Roomba to tell Billy to clean the living room." When it works, it really impresses your friends. "

<img alt = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-caption = "iRobot Roomba i7 +" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back "" data-dam-provider = "" data-local-id = "local-5-5432403 -1564770301111" data-media-id = "53ff4ce4-7b92-40b0-a5c3-293be2fedeea" data-original-url = " images / 2019-08 / b8c38d80 -b552-11e9-abd8-2828801181ea "data-title =" iRobot Roomba i7 + "src =" % 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C985 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fos


The majority of our user reviews come from pet owners, who clearly constitute a target market for automatic cleaners. Lougan, who had mapped his i7 + to run in front of the litter box, said it had made him understand how much the vacuum cleaner worked every day. He also mentioned that if the i7 + "can survive by eating a ball of cat hair, I think it will last." Emily, who has "many domestic pets who lose a lot of weight," said she strongly recommends the i7 + for animal lovers.

However, Scott's pre-aspired to collect most of his Saint-Bernard hair before using the i7 + as a "finishing touch". And Michellette said that no Roomba had ever been able to clean the fur of her German Shepherd's carpet or rugs. "This simply leaves countless tufts of hair that you can pick up everywhere.Your home really looks worse once everything is over."


Despite the strict scoring, most critics were issuing positive recommendations for the i7 +: Jerry said that he would award her five stars, Jay was "super happy" and Michael told him "is the best investment we've made and we'll buy another one for our basement in the near future." He also appreciates the fact that the i7 + makes the time he spent in the vacuum cleaner before. Lougan called it "extraordinary technology" and said that "iRobot is really surpassed". Alex was effusive, claiming that iRobot had to "keep doing great work" because his family was very happy with the i7 + because "it's finally a real cleaning solution".

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