Roque signed a statement asking for the amnesty of Trillanes, other mutineers in 2010


The statement urges the then president, Benigno Aquino III, to grant amnesty to the soldiers because they have already "suffered the consequences of their actions" and "have paid their dues".

Posted 14h18, 11th September 2018

Updated 14:18, 11 September 2018

Proof of Presidential Spokesman Harry Roque pirouettes continues to leave the woodwork.

A statement published on page A4 of Philippine Daily Inquirer September 16, 2010 Roque is among the 84 signatories of a petition asking President Benigno Aquino III to grant amnesty to Senator Antonio Trillanes IV and to other mutineers.

The statement, also mentioned during a sponsorship speech of former Senator Teofisto "TG" Guingona in December 2010, insisted that the soldiers "have already suffered the consequences of their actions" and have "paid their dues".

"We believe that the time has come for them to rebuild their lives and, at the same time, contribute to the reconstruction of our country," the statement said.

"We believe that granting amnesty to these soldiers is not only acceptable, but also timely given the government's peace and reconciliation agenda," the statement said.

DECLARATION. The statement is signed by many people, including human rights lawyer Harry Roque. Philippine Daily Inquirer Archive Photo

DECLARATION. The statement is signed by many people, including human rights lawyer Harry Roque. Philippine Daily Inquirer Stock Photo

Roque, who was a human rights lawyer at the time, represented the Concerned Citizen Movement in the statement.

Outside him, other signatories were former President Joseph Estrada, former Senate presidents Jovito Salonga and Ernesto Maceda, former Supreme Court President Renato Puno, former House Speaker José De Venecia, religious leaders, academics and civil society organizations.

The document is included in a series of messages that show that the postures of Roque's past contrast sharply with his current statements and actions in the context of Duterte's administration.

Aside from a blog post where he praised Trillanes, a video was also resurrected, starring Roque telling people not to vote, while Davao City Mayor Duterte is elected President. (WATCH: Roque told people not to vote for "the self-proclaimed murderer" Duterte)

"If you like, I want you to go out and you do not vote against him, but you convince your neighbors and friends that because the right to life is the most important, do not vote for this assassin , this self-proclaimed assassin "he spoke to the audience of a forum on the martial law of Ferdinand Marcos.

Former colleagues have called Roque to support the actions of an administration that goes directly against his supposed ideals as a human rights lawyer.

However, in a previous interview with Rappler, Roque said his personal convictions should be relegated to the background as he assumed the role of spokesman for the presidency. (LILY: Harry Roque pirouettes for Duterte)

"I speak for the president now and as such I do not have a personal opinion," he said. –

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