Roscosmos and NASA leaders discuss mysterious escape from space


MOSCOW (AP) – The head of the Russian Space Agency has spoken to his NASA counterpart about a mysterious leak at the International Space Station, Roscosmos said on Thursday.

The agency said its director, Dmitry Rogozin, had briefed NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine on Russia's investigation into the leak of the Russian Soyuz satellite moored at the station last month. The crew of three Americans, two Russians and one German quickly located and sealed the tiny hole that created a slight loss of pressure.

Roscosmos added that Rogozin and Bridenstine agreed Wednesday to refrain from any preliminary statements on the issue until the end of the official investigation.

Rogozin has already stated that the hole could have been drilled during manufacture or in orbit, a statement that caused some consternation.

Without specifically mentioning Rogozin, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov severely warned Wednesday against speculation that the crew could be responsible for making the hole. "It is absolutely unacceptable to cast a shadow over American cosmonauts or astronauts," Borisov said.

Rogozin himself then changed course by saying in a message on Facebook that "the spread of rumors and speculation about what happened on the International Space Station does not help the work of the experts of Roscosmos and mine. friendly atmosphere of the crew.

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