Rose sting nearly killed me: flesh-eating bacteria ate most of mom's hip and bottom | UK | New


flesh eating necrotizing fasciitis

Julie Broude and her daughter Camryn and her horrible leg injury (Image: Kennedy)

She became ill to her in-laws and was transported to A & E before being transported by helicopter to emergency surgery specialists.

Julie was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis due to an infection of the flesh, caused by one of the most dangerous bacteria: Clostridium septicum, which has a mortality rate of up to 97%.

She stayed in the hospital for more than two months and underwent seven operations in total to cut off the dead flesh left by the infection, which had eaten a lot of her right leg, hip and buttocks. .

The doctors told her husband that it was unlikely that she would manage to stay overnight and planned to amputate it but she managed to save it at the last minute.

Now, Julie has big scars on her leg and misses much of her right buttock and hip.

But the most courageous speaks to raise awareness of the rare bacteria that hide in the soil of gardens, so that others can become aware of it.

Julie, from Boston, Mass., Said, "Fortunately, I was in a coma when I almost died, so my husband and my parents had to go through there.

"I was not awake for any of that, so I did not have anyone who said" you're going to die. "Everything was in my family – it was devastating.

Julie was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis due to an infection of the flesh

Julie was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis due to an infection of the flesh (Image: Kennedy)

People do not really survive, so I'm very lucky.

Julie Broude

"When I talk to my doctors and ask them where are your other patients with Clostridium septicum because I want to see where they are in a year," they say they're all dead.

"People do not really survive that, so I'm very, very lucky."

The mother thinks that having a routine blood test the week before, showing that she had a very low white blood cell count, saved her life.

She said: "Different types of bacteria can cause necrotizing fasciitis.My case was Clostridium septicum and it is the rarest and deadliest case with a mortality rate of about 97%.

"The doctors thought I had them in my garden by putting lights in. The bacteria live in the soil and I was stung on the hip by a rose bush.

Mother thinks she has a routine blood test that saved her life

Mother thinks she has a routine blood test that saved her life (Image: Kennedy)

"Normally, healthy people can fight it, we are all exposed to it because we all go out, it is very rare that they enter the body and attack.

"The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I had done a routine blood test, I had been tired and I was working a lot.

"The nurse called me the next day and told me that my white blood cells were very low.

"She said," If you get sick, you have to go to the emergency room because you do not have a lot of white blood cells. "That's what really saved me."

On Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving, Julie was taken to A & E by her husband, Herbert Rosenfeld, 53, and says she hardly remembers what happened there.

Now, Julie has huge scars on her leg

Now, Julie has huge scars on her leg (Image: Kennedy)

Julie would have entered animal mode and screamed with unbearable pain.

After five hours of treatment with extremely high doses of painkillers, Julie claims that the doctors were losing speed but that Julie's right leg became purple and she was operated on.

Julie said, "I had an extreme thirst and I was crying for water.They say I went in" animal fashion ".

"Necrotizing fasciitis is very difficult to diagnose because it is so rare and people do not think about it.

"I should have fainted because of all the painkillers they had given me, yet I was still screaming at the agony.

"After five hours, the doctors realized what was wrong, they were standing over me and my leg suddenly turned purple.

"My husband said that they had just screamed oh oh *** and they took me away.

"They did a CT scan that showed a gas bubble from hip to ankle.

"When the bacteria eat the flesh, it leaves a gas bubble because of the toxins that it releases.

"I was rushed in before being transported by helicopter to Yale New Haven Hospital.

"They told my husband that night that I was probably not going to get there." Julie spent three weeks at Yale New Haven Hospital where she underwent surgical procedures that cut dead tissue from her right leg and received large doses of antibiotics.

Julie met with her daughter

Julie met with her daughter (Image: Kennedy)

Julie said: "I spent about three weeks in intensive care and they saved my life.

"I also became skeptical because it got into my blood.I was in a coma caused for over a week when my organs started to fail.

"The only way to cure necrotizing fasciitis is to find out what bacteria are causing it and give you senseless doses of antibiotics.

"I have been operated day after day until everything is cut off.

"In fact, they told my husband that they took me to amputate my leg.

"The main loss was in my hip and buttock, so there would not be enough structure to support it.They led me to amputation, but miraculously they did not have to do it. "

Necrotizing fasciitis is an extremely rare but serious bacterial infection

Necrotizing fasciitis is an extremely rare but serious bacterial infection (Image: GETTY)

By the end of December 2017, Julie was stable enough to be transferred to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she found her children, Camryn, 9, and Ethan, 11.

She was given skin grafts to help repair the holes left by the surgery.

After almost losing her right leg and being tied to bed for over three months, Julie had to relearn how to walk and nine months later, she just stopped using a cane.

Julie said, "My right buttock has practically disappeared, so I'm going to have more surgery to try to fix this problem, but it's more aesthetic now.

What is necrotizing fasciitis?

According to the NHS, necrotizing fasciitis is an extremely rare but serious bacterial infection that affects the tissues, muscles and organs located under the skin.

Symptoms include small but painful cuts or scrapes and intense pain that is out of proportion to skin damage, diarrhea and vomiting, fluid-filled blisters, fever and confusion.

Treatments include surgery and antibiotics.

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