Roseanne Barr & # 39; n & # 39; t asked to be paid & # 39; for & # 39; Roseanne & # 39; Spin off


Make amends the best way she knows how. Roseanne Barr reveals that she "did not ask for anything" when it was necessary to authorize a fallout of Roseanne after her controversial tweet in May resulted in the death of her husband. canceling the original restart.

"I was … you know, very annoyed to hurt things that interest me and hurt people who interest me , especially the little girl who played my granddaughter in the show Roseanne . She is African-American, she called Jayden [Rey] and she loved me and I l & rsquo; And I did not want her … not to have a job because she's great and I did not want her to think, badly, to Jews, to me in particular, "Barr, 65, says Rabbi Shmuley at a podcast on Wednesday, June 27. "So you know, I did not ask to get paid … I did not ask for anything, and I just left for that because you know, it's penitence." know, I've thought a lot about it. "

Barr – who was a co-creator of the characters in the original 1980s series – faced a violent reaction in May after tweeting a racist statement about White Housekeeper Valerie Jarrett . The tweet, in which she said Jarrett looked like a combination of "Muslim Brotherhood + Planet of the Apes", resulted in the cancellation of the very successful restart and prompted her colleagues, including Sara Gilbert [19659005] Wanda Sykes and Emma Kenney to speak against her. Barr then apologized, accusing "Ambien tweeting".

As previously announced, ABC announced on June 21 that the network had recovered a spinoff of Roseanne with a job title called ] The Conners with the actors back John Goodman (Dan), Laurie Metcalf (Jackie), Gilbert (Darlene), Lecy Goranson (Becky) and Michael Fishman (DJ) In a statement to Us Weekly Barr says of the new series, "I regret the circumstances that caused me to be removed from Roseanne I've accepted the regulations so that 200 jobs can be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved. "

During Rabbi Shmuley's podcast, Barr noticed that" the best moment "of her Life was when, after finishing her talk show – The Rosean did Show which was broadcast between 1998 and 2000 – she decided to follow the Torah. "After my talk show, I decided to try to live my beliefs for 20 years and it's a whole different story, but that's when I became very, very engaged , you know, I did what I liked best and so I lived Torah every day and it was so exciting. "

Barr also revealed that she has Native American "godsons", telling Shmuley, "It came to my attention that there was this woman who is a little younger than me on Rosebud Reservation … she was raising 11 of her own small- kids in a room, um, not a good one, I do not know, you know, I do not want to be insulting, but it was a little … kept, you know, not the best place to live with 11 children in a room with a bathroom. And uh … I know … sometimes, when you become aware of how real people live in America and you have the privilege, you know, you have to do something to raise them, you know … you can not sit in your privilege, you must act. So I became very emotionally involved with her and her grandchildren. "

The Conners is scheduled to air on ABC this fall.

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