Roseanne Barr responds to The Conners statement in first


The sitcom character of Roseanne Barr is officially dead, but the comedian and actress continues to play.

Roseanne Conner, the family matriarch of the popular TV show "Roseanne" and her rebirth of 2018, was revealed dead at the premiere of "The Conners" last Tuesday. The derivative series was created to continue the revival – without Barr – after ABC's dismissal in May for a racist tweet.

A few minutes after the beginning of the first episode of "The Conners", the public learns that Roseanne has died as a result of an opioid overdose. The information was not new. Last month, Barr happily spoiled the way she thought the series would kill her character, although she admitted she was not 100% sure.

Barr's instinctive reaction to the first of the new series was also out of date.

"I AM NOT DEAD, BITCHES !!!!" she posted on Twitter shortly after the broadcast of the new show.

Shortly after his initial tweet, Barr published a longer Facebook statement with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a longtime friend and lawyer who often Barr on his podcast.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Roseanne Barr appear together in Beverly Hills, California on September 17.

Rachel Luna via Getty Images

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Roseanne Barr appear together in Beverly Hills, California on September 17.

Barr and Shmuley both disagree with the way the show's writers hid his iconic character.

"An overdose of opioids has given a useless and morbid dimension to an otherwise happy family show," the statement said – although "Roseanne" is renowned for her difficult problems such as abortion and domestic violence.

The statement also states that ABC should not have canceled Roseanne after her racist tweet, in which she compared former Obama advisor to the White House, Valerie Jarrett, to a character from "Planet of the Apes":

The show highlighted the message that the love and mutual respect of the person should transcend background differences and ideological discord. … Through humor and a universally relatable main character, the show represented a weekly teaching moment for our country. Yet it is often as a result of an inexcusable – but not unforgivable – mistake that we can discover the most important lesson of all: forgiveness.

Roseanne Barr attends the live recording of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's podcast in July in New York.

James Devaney via Getty Images

Roseanne Barr attends the live recording of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's podcast in July in New York.

The statement continues to hammer the theme of forgiveness, an argument that Barr had already tried to argue despite the fact that she had already given an exhaustive list of apologies for her tweet, especially that she was under the influence of Ambien and that she thought that Jarrett (or as Barr says in a YouTube video filled with rage) "was white".

After repeated and sincere apologies, the network did not want to conceal an unfortunate error, thus denying the American twin values ​​of repentance and forgiveness. In a hyper partisan climate, people sometimes make the mistake of talking with words that do not really reflect what they are. However, it is the power of forgiveness that defines our humanity.

The statement ends by calling the cancellation of "Roseanne" a missed opportunity "due in equal parts to fear, hubris and refusal to forgive".

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