Rosmah claims trial of first 10 charges



  • Rosmah claims trial of first 10 charges, others being read
  • Najib case: the Prosecution denies any hidden motive behind delivering documents in CD format
  • Rosmah Najib arrives in court
  • Journalists are queuing for a limited number of passes to cover both cases in public galleries.

Rosmah claims a lawsuit

9:28 AM: Rosmah Affair, Short Sessions – Ten charges of laundering illegal proceeds have already been read in Rosmah. She claims a lawsuit for all the charges.

The court interpreter reads the 11th charge.

9:25 am Najib case, High Court – Najib's lawyer, Havinderjit Singh, said the defense was not saying that there was an ominous motive, but that she had requested the documents in accordance with Section 51A.

Havinderjit said that they will respond to the prosecution 's request to transfer the proceedings to Putrajaya.

Sulaiman then requests that this case be dealt with at a pre-trial conference.

"We are ready to hold a pre-trial conference today," he said.

Havinderjit says that they are ready to meet today.

Shafee, meanwhile, says that Article 51A concerns discovery before the trial.

"On August 8, when they handed over the CD Rom, some documents can not be read, why take this unusual step by giving a CD Rom.

"Give us the appropriate documents in the appropriate format (on paper) It is common practice for documents to be served on the lawyer and not on the client Many documents can not be read on a CD. us a true copy. "he says.

9:20 am Najib case, High Court – Sulaiman says the lawsuits have done their best with regards to the documents and that there are no sneaky tactics involved.

He adds that the public prosecutor is strictly following the law.

"We have requested a preparatory conference but the silence is total of (Shafee)."

He also said that they had asked that the Najib trial be held in Putrajaya and not here.

"The request is addressed to the chief justice (of Malaysia) because there is a bigger space in Putrajaya," said Sulaiman.

9:20 am: Rosmah Affair, Short Sessions – The first charge of money laundering, allegedly committed on December 5, 2015, is read.

Rosmah claims the trial of the first charge.

Both courses meet

9:17 am: Rosmah Affair, Short Sessions – The session court meets at the entrance of Judge Azura Alwi.

Rosmah is brought to the wharf. Those present stand up to bow to Azura.

MACC deputy commissioner Azam Baki arrives and sits in the public gallery.

9:07: Najib case, High Court – Senior Prosecutor Sulaiman Abdullah presents all parties.

He added that the prosecution would deal with three issues, including the service of documents pursuant to Article 51A of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Section 51A requires that the prosecution disclose information and disclose to the defense, before the trial begins, documents that would be part of it.

Sulaiman says the prosecution tried to do it but could not.

Najib's lawyer, Shafee, then indicated that on August 8, Najib had received a CD-ROM containing the documents.

He adds that the prosecution handed over another CD-ROM yesterday while Najib was visiting Rosmah.

"This is not appropriate because they must deliver documents and not CD-ROMs," said the lawyer in court.

9:05 am: Rosmah Affair, Short Sessions – A court interpreter asks if those present are ready and announces that the proceedings will begin at 9:15 am

Advocates from both sides are already present, including Gopal Sri Ram, who leads the prosecution, and K Kumaraendran, who heads Rosmah's defense team.

Najib, Rosmah arrives in a good spirit

9:06 am High Court – Najib enters the courtroom from the witness room.

The interpreter advises all parties to prepare under the chairmanship of Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali.

8:02: Najib's lawyers slowly enter the courtroom under the supervision of Muhammad Shafee and Havinderjit Singh.

The former prime minister would be expected in the High Court's witness room.

8:01 am Judicial Complex of Kuala Lumpur – Najib arrives shortly after his wife.

Accompanied by a bodyguard, he comes out of a black car, elegantly dressed in a light blue shirt and a dark blue coat.

He too looks calm and smiles when he enters the courthouse.

Meanwhile, Lokman Adam Mohd Noor, a member of Umno's Supreme Council, is waiting outside the complex.

He says he's here to show his support for Rosmah and Najib.

He wants to talk to the media, but is stopped by the police because of Najib's arrival.

8:30 am: Rosmah arrives in court. Dressed in an orange kurung baju, she is accompanied by her lawyer, K Kumaraendran.

The media and members of the public rush immediately and surround it.

She is protected by the police and looks calm, smiling and waving while she is driving into the courthouse.

His followers shout "Datin, Datin!"

Rosmah on the way to the court

8:20 am: Putrajaya – L & # 39; star reports that Rosmah is en route to court, having left the MACC headquarters at 7:45 am.

She would travel in a black Toyota Alphard and be escorted by police and MACC agents.

8:20 am: Judicial complex of Kuala Lumpur – Meanwhile, at the Court of Session, media personnel are allowed to enter the courtyard of Judge Azura.

The court staff is seen busy bringing extra benches into the public gallery. The first row is reserved for MACC staff, while the second row is reserved for Rosmah family members.

As for the High Court, the last two ranks are reserved for media personnel.

8:19: Najib's supporters have already gathered in front of the complex.

One of the supporters, identified only as Rash, wears a bandana with Najib's sticker as well as the words "Stop the misuse of the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2001". money, counterterrorism financing and the proceeds of illegal activities ". .

The police ask him to remove him. He says he's here to protest peacefully, but he nevertheless removes the headscarf.

The latter says that more supporters will come later.

8:15 am Journalists are finally allowed to enter the court of High Court Judge Mohd Nazlan.

The appointed prosecutor, Sulaiman, and the rest of the prosecution team, including the prosecutor, Manoj Kurup, and MP Ishak Mohd Salleh, from the Attorney General's office.

The first two rows of the grandstand in the Najib grandstand are reserved for family members, while the last two are reserved for the media.

The media are waiting

8am: judicial complex of Kuala Lumpur – The proceedings in the Najib case will be held on the fifth floor of the courthouse, while the Rosmah proceedings will be held on the second floor of the Court of Sessions.

Prosecutors in charge of the Najib case, meanwhile, are already sitting in the courtroom, having entered through a side entrance.

The prosecutor's or DPP's office is also located on the fifth floor.

7am – Media personnel, local and international, started queuing for passes to enter the courtrooms to cover both cases as limited passes were distributed.

They form two long rows, one for Rosmah and one for Najib, under the watchful eye of 10 security guards.

Rosmah will be represented by lawyers K Kumaraendran and Geethan Ram Vincent.

Najib, meanwhile, will be represented by Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, the latter himself paying related to money laundering and misrepresentation.

The former Federal Court Judge, Gopal Sri Ram, is expected to lead the lawsuits in the Rosmah case. This will be the first appearance of the former president of the Bar and lead counsel, Sulaiman Abdullah.

Sulaiman, like Sri Ram, was appointed by Attorney General Tommy Thomas to lead the case.

6:45 – The day of Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor at the Kuala Lumpur courthouse is expected to be a busy day, as both will appear in different courts.

Najib will be brought to the High Court to be cited for his abuse of power, breach of trust and money laundering charges.

Rosmah, meanwhile, will be in court for the first time. It should be charged 17 money laundering charges for 1MDB.

Rosmah, who was detained Last night, at the headquarters of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), after several hours of interrogation, he should be taken to court at 8 am.

Malaysiakini conducts court proceedings both inside and outside the judicial complex.

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